3 JSP 392 Pt 2 Chapter 9 (V1.1 Dec 2020)
source store; thus the storage requirements listed above will also normally apply to the
cabinet. Advice is to be sought from the RPA as to the type of cabinet that is appropriate.
12. Very large and bulky items (such as thoriated engines) or items in temporary storage
/ transit not stored in a dedicated building are to be stored in dedicated areas of storage
buildings that are clearly demarcated. All such items are to be kept in their transit boxes
where practicable. All relevant storage requirements will apply to the dedicated storage
area. Advice is to be sought from the RPA on the storage requirements.
13. Stores specifically allocated for storing radioactive materials are only to contain
radioactive materials, their containers, associated handling tools and shielding materials.
No other materials are to be kept within the store.
14. No corrosive, flammable or explosive substances are to be taken into or stored in any
building used as a radioactive store.
15. No beverages, foodstuffs, or associated items (e.g. cutlery) are to be taken into or
stored in any radioactive store. Radiation sensitive materials, such as radiographic film or
personal dosemeters, are not to be stored in the vicinity of radioactive materials.
16. With the exception of High Activity Sealed Sources (HASS) (see paragraph 17),
keeping portable sources in a vehicle overnight is only acceptable if it is not reasonably
practicable to provide or make use of a proper store and if the vehicle is locked and kept in
a secure place, such as a locked compound. HASS sources must not be kept in a vehicle
overnight under any circumstances.
High Activity Sealed Radioactive Sources and Orphan Sources
17. In addition to the MOD accounting arrangements set out in this Chapter, high activity
sealed sources are to be accounted for on a HASS Record Form (see Chapter 3) and are
to be identified separately on the Annual Holdings Return as advised by Dstl. RPA advice
must be sought before acquiring a high activity sealed source.
Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information)
Regulations 2019
18. Where a premises holds large quantities of radioactive material, in excess of the
values stated in schedule 1 of REPPIR2019, the employer (e.g. CO / HoE) of that
premises is to make or ensure REPPIR2019 is complied with.
Accounting for Radioactive Material
19. All radioactive materials including sealed sources, unsealed radioactive substances,
articles containing radioactive materials and radioactive waste are to be accounted for.
Appropriate records of all radioactive material holdings are to be kept and made available
for inspection.
20. Where radioactive materials are fitted to aircraft, a radioactive source list stating the
inventory of those items is to be included with the aircraft documentation (MOD Form 701);
this is especially important when an aircraft is under maintenance at, or visiting, another
unit or establishment. The responsibility for producing and maintaining the source list lies