Department of Community Development
801 228
Avenue SE Sammamish, WA 98075 phone: 425-295-0500 fax: 295-295-0600 web:
Minor Shoreland Development Projects
Floodplain Habitat Assessment Short Form
Project Information
Applicant name:
Project Location (Address / Parcel Number):
Short Project Description:
This habitat assessment short form is for all minor shoreland projects within the Special Flood
Hazard Area (SFHA; also known as the 100-year floodplain) of Lake Sammamish. Minor
projects along the upland shorelines (i.e. shoreland) include the following types (check the
box or boxes that apply to your project):
Expansion of an existing residence and/or residential accessory structures that increases
footprint beyond 10% of existing footprint; however, is consistent with the standard shoreline
setback requirements and all other applicable standards of the SMP (as regulated by Sammamish
Municipal Code [SMC] Title 25) and does not require removal of significant trees
(as regulated by
SMC Chapter 21A.37). Note: expansion of an existing residential structure that is no greater than
10% beyond its existing footprint does not require a floodplain habitat assessment.
Shoreline riparian enhancement through installation of native vegetation, including
enhancement of the Lake Sammamish Vegetation Enhancement Area per SMC 25.60.020, with the
sole purpose of creating, restoring, or enhancing natural functions, and provided the activities do
not include structures or impervious surfaces. Note: this can include vegetation enhancement
required by the SMP for development activity occurring landward of the SFHA, or required for
other ‘minor’ SFHA projects evaluated by a floodplain habitat assessment short form.
Installation of lawn and/or landscaping features that are no greater than 20% of the shoreline
jurisdictional area and are not associated with any other development proposal, provided there
will be no clearing of significant trees, and no grading or fill.
If your minor shoreland development project does not meet one of these types, then a
detailed habitat assessment will be required. City guidance for detailed habitat assessments
is available here.
Each section of this habitat assessment short form must be completed, including verification
and attachment of additional project information and plans. This habitat assessment short
form and other referend project materials will be documented in the permit file for the
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As the applicant, please check boxes in Sections 1-3 and provide short responses where
necessary to verify that your project is consistent with required habitat assessment
components, and includes the specified best management practices (BMPs) in Section 3 of
this form. City Planning/Permitting staff will verify that the components in Sections 1-3 have
been documented satisfactorily and will complete the final page of this form. If a component
or specific BMP does not apply to the project, a brief explanation must be provided.
1. Project Submittal Verification Additional Required Information
Waterbody or waterbodies within and adjacent to where the project will occur are described
(water typing included)
Methods of work are described (within permit applications, and/or supplemental materials as
Project area map is provided (may be the same as the project area map submitted with your
shoreline permit/building permit)
Site and/or restoration plans are provided (may be the same as the plans provided with your
shoreline permit/building permit) that include:
Total percent of existing and proposed impervious surfaces; and/or
Areas of clearing, vegetation removal, and native species planting.
2. Confirm that the Proposed ‘Minor’ Shoreland Development Activity does not include any
of the following activities:
No new impervious surfaces will occur within the SMP required standard
shoreline setback (50 feet).
Staff Verified:
No clearing of significant native trees occurring within the standard
shoreline setback will be required for the project.
Staff Verified:
No in-water work waterward of OHWM will be required for the project.
Staff Verified:
No new or expanded bulkhead or beach nourishment activities are
proposed along the shoreline.
Staff Verified:
No new lawn or landscaping features will occur that are greater than 20%
of the shoreline jurisdictional area.
Staff Verified:
3. Confirm that minimum required best management practices (BMPs) address potential
direct and/or indirect habitat impacts below:
Potential Impact
Minimum Required BMPs
Water Quality
Work performed in dry weather and/or during dry
season (May 15 September 30); and
Exposed soil / excavated earth stabilization measures
included in proposal; and
Any other appropriate construction BMPs; and
Low impact development techniques used (rain
garden for driveway or downspouts, native/drought
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tolerant plant landscaping, pervious pavement, or other
approved strategy);
Riparian Vegetation
Retain mature trees (greater than 6” diameter at
breast height) that are not considered hazardous; and
Revegetate temporarily disturbed and/or removed
invasive vegetation with native plantings.
Large Woody Debris
Retain existing large woody debris that is not
considered hazardous.
Bank Stability
Revegetate temporarily disturbed vegetation with
native plantings; and
As part of any minor landscaping project, include new
native plantings in shoreline bank areas with previous
history of erosion. See ‘Shoreline Plantings’ section of
Green Shorelines guide
Additional project applicant comments/information (optional):
Signature By signing below, City of Sammamish staff have determined an effects
determination of No Effect (NE) or May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect (NLAA) for the
proposed project. As documented in this Floodplain Habitat Assessment Short Form, the
effects determination has been made consistent with FEMA Region X guidance for Puget
Sound implementation of the NFIP consistent with the Endangered Species Act.
Applicant signature indicates that the project proponent will limit floodplain development
activities to those described in this Short Form, and commits to implementing all BMPs as
detailed above and as conditioned by the City on this form.
Applicant Signature
Name: __________________ Date: _______
Phone # / email: _______________________
City of Sammamish Verification Signature
Name: __________________ Date: _______
Title: ________________________________
This portion to be completed by City staff
Verifications of Habitat Assessment Conditions
Check each box once verified
City staff review notes
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Project is limited to ‘minor’ development activities that do not
occur overwater or along the OHWM, and does not include any of
the elements listed in Section 2.
All minimum required BMPs have been met
All potential direct and/or indirect habitat impacts have been
The project design inherently avoids adverse effects. Project
design elements that consider and improve floodplain functions
which support ESA-listed species are directly incorporated into the
The project will result in no effect or not likely to adversely affect
ESA-listed species.
Additional Information / Supplemental Staff Conditions - To be completed by City staff
Other project information necessary to support the effects determination:
Yes (provide notes / references to other submittal materials below) Not applicable
Staff has determined that implementation of the following supplemental conditions necessary to
support the effects determination:
Yes (detail supplemental conditions below) No supplemental conditions required
Supplemental Condition: _____________________________________________________________
Supplemental Condition: _____________________________________________________________
Supplemental Condition: _____________________________________________________________