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Public Benefit (RSA 79:E -7)
In order to qualify for tax relief under this program, the proposed substantial rehabilitation must provide at least one of the
public benefits listed below. Any proposed replacement must provide one or more of the public benefits listed below to a
greater degree than would a substantial rehabilitation of the same qualifying structure.
Does the project provide the following public benefits?
(Check all that apply)
Enhances the economic vitality of the designated area. ____Yes ____ No
If yes, please describe: ______________________________________________________________________________
Enhances and improves a culturally or historically important structure ____Yes ____ No
If yes, please describe: _______________________________________________________________________________
Promotes development of the designated area, providing for efficiency, safety, and a greater sense of community,
consistent with RSA 9-B? ____
Yes ____ No
If yes, please describe: _______________________________________________________________________________
It Increase residential housing in urban or town centers? ____Yes ____ No
If yes, Please describe:_______________________________________________________________________________
Other Issues and matters applicant deems relevant to this request? ____Yes ____ No
If yes, please describe: _______________________________________________________________________________