CED20 (7/2017)
Compliance Enforcement Division
555 Wright Way
Carson City, Nevada 89711
(775) 684 - 4690
I wish to file a complaint against the business or individual named below. I understand that the Department of Motor Vehicles
DOES NOT represent private citizens seeking return of money or other personal remedies as a result of contractual disputes
or civil actions.
Person Filing Complaint:
Name _______________________________________________________Day Time Phone ______________________
Address _____________________________________________________Home Phone _________________________
City ___________________________State ____________Zip __________Email Address ________________________
Business or Individual Complaint Filed Against: Business License No _____________________
(If applicable)
Business/Individual Name ____________________________________Phone __________________________________
Street City State Zip code
Representative’s Name _____________________________________________________________________________
Vehicle Involved: (If applicable)
Year _______________Make _______________________Model ____________________Color ___________________
Other complaint not involving a motor vehicle sale or repair.
Explain Complaint: (Please attach copies of any documents you have to support your complaint.)
Did you make payments? Yes No If yes, to whom: _____________________________________________
How much did you pay? ____________________________ Dates of any payments: ______________________________________
Method of payment (cash, check, credit, money order, cashier’s check): __________________________________________________