01723 (2)
Precise Mortgages is a trading name of Charter Court Financial Services Limited which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register Firm Reference Number 494549). Registered in England and Wales with company
number 06749498. Registered oce: 2 Charter Court, Broadlands, Wolverhampton WV10 6TD
5 year + Fixed rate
Assets and liabilities statement
Investments/cash deposits
(e.g. public company shares, debtors, other investments - please specify in the
left hand column)
Other liabilities
(e.g. overdrafts, credit card balances, unsecured loans, hire purchase, directors
loan(s), maintenance etc - please specify in the left hand column)
Total value of assets &
Total liabilities
Applicant 1
Full name
We can provide literature in large print, Braille and audio tape. Please ask us for this leaflet
in an alternative format if you need it.
To be confident that the mortgage can be refinanced at the end of the 5 year + Fixed rate period, where the LTV exceeds
60% we will assess aordability at a rate of 5.5%.
If the rental income is below the minimum required, customer(s) should demonstrate they are able to meet any dierence
through net worth in other property, available liquidity or earned disposable income (EDI).
Account number:
Assets (£)
1. Number and value of buy to let properties £
2. Number and value of commercial property/ies £
Statement of financial position as at: / /
Investments/cash deposits
(e.g. public company shares, debtors, other investments - please specify in the
left hand column)
Other liabilities
(e.g. overdrafts, credit card balances, unsecured loans, hire purchase, directors
loan(s), maintenance etc - please specify in the left hand column)
Total value of assets &
Total liabilities
Applicant 2
Full name
Assets (£)
1. Number and value of buy to let properties £
2. Number and value of commercial property/ies £
Liabilities (£)
(Please provide a breakdown of property portfolio where applicable)
Buy to let loans £
Total commercial loan size
(excluding buy to lets)
Liabilities (£)
(Please provide a breakdown of property portfolio where applicable)
Buy to let loans £
Total commercial loan size
(excluding buy to lets)