Goals for ED4488: Phase 1 of 4th Year Professional Experience
In this first phase of your 4
year Professional Experience program you will be aiming to
achieve three goals. Goals one and two are assessed by your School-Based Teacher
Educator (SBTE). The details for these first and second goals are outlined below:
1. By the end of the fourth week, you will be able to independently enact a Plan, Teach,
Assess, Reflect (PTAR) cycle in your classroom.
2. Commencing in Week 1, and by the completion of Week 4, you will curate a portfolio of
evidence in relation to your capacities to plan, teach, assess and reflect. The evidence
included in your portfolio should demonstrate the impact of your pedagogical decisions
on student learning.
Your achievement of the two goals (1 & 2 above) will be assessed against the Queensland
Professional Experience Reporting Framework (QPERF) (see page 30). You must achieve
“Developing Towards Graduate Level” on each criterion of the QPERF in order to be
successful. Your SBTE will evaluate both your teaching performances enacted in the
classroom and the evidence curated in your professional experience portfolio when making
their final assessment of your level of proficiency.
The third goal for ED4488 is to complete a range of course work tasks aligned with your
professional experience placement. In order to achieve this goal, your work will be aligned with
the first two goals stated above. Goal 3, however, results in the production of artefacts that are
used by and/or assessed in the university coursework you will undertake in Semester 1, 2018.
As a result, Goal 3 is presented as three parts (3a, 3b, & 3c) with each part relating to a
different coursework requirement. The relevance of each part to Primary and/or Secondary
preservice teachers is also stated. For more details on each task, please refer the relevant
subject outline for each of the subjects identified below:
3. (a) To be undertaken by both B. Ed (Primary) and B.Ed (Secondary) Pre-service
teachers enrolled in ED4190 and ED4293:
The Graduate Teacher Performance Assessment Task (GTPA)
Commencing in Week 1, and by the completion of Week 4, you will have collected
evidence of your capacity to enact the PTAR cycle, drawing on three focus students to
evidence the impact of your pedagogical decisions for differentiated groups of learners.
You will use this evidence to complete the Graduate Teacher Performance
Assessment Task (GTPA). Your JCU lecturers in ED4190 & ED4293 Teaching for
Learning 3 will assess your GTPA submission. However, your ED4488 professional
experience placement provides the context in which you collect the data, evidence and
artefacts of your practice in order to complete the GTPA once you return to university,
following your placement. It is anticipated that many of the artefacts you include in your
QPERF Professional Experience portfolio will also be directly relevant to your GTPA.
(b) To be undertaken by both B. Ed (Primary) and B. Ed (Secondary) Pre-service
teachers enrolled in ED4190 and ED4293:
Request, annotate and reflect upon a Unit Plan, and relevant Summative
Assessment Task (including the GTMJ), from your SBTE
For the purpose of Teaching and Learning 3, request a copy of at least one unit plan
(including the relevant Summative assessment task(s) and Guide To Making
Judgement (GTMJ)) implemented by your SBTEs. You should review and annotate this
documentation with a view to understanding the critical role that planning plays in the