This is the first step in the 4-H Horse Advancement program. When you have completed
these 12 skills, the horsemanship tests you are ready to be a 4-H Junior Horseman. As
a 4-H Junior Horseman you may ride your horse at 4-H club meetings, take part in
some games and contests, and go for short rides with your club as approved by your
club leader.
Date Completed Approved By
1. Name, locate and spell the following
parts of a horse: poll, muzzle, withers,
shoulder, forearm, knee, heart, girth,
flank, rump, hock, fetlock, and pastern.
2. Name, point out, and spell these parts
of a saddle: horn, cantle, dee-rings,
fender, pommel, and skirt.
3. Name, locate and spell the following
bridle parts: curb strap, headstall,
noseband, bit, and throatlatch.
4. What are two requirements of a saddle
5. Name and spell at least four breeds of
horses that make good saddle horses.
6. Care and feeding:
a. What do you feed your horse?
b. How much are you feeding?
c. When and how is the horse fed?
7. Basic handling:
a. Halter and tie your horse.
b. Lead your horse.
c. Brush and groom your horse.
d. Pick up and clean a front hoof.
e. Bridle and saddle your horse.
(Smaller members can learn the
correct methods even if they may
not be able to follow them entirely.)