Make sure you keep a copy of the Notice of Disposal for your records. You are advised to do this for your own protection.
YOUR DETAILS Please print
Given names
Surname or Organisation
Address details
Suburb (Do not abbreviate)
Date of disposal Licence/Customer/Card no.
Year builtRegistration plate number
Engine number
VIN/Chassis number
It is an offence to supply misleading information.
I declare that the information in this Notice of Disposal is
true and complete and that I have read the Privacy
Statement below.
Signature/s *If the vehicle is registered in two names, the
primary (first) registered operator's signature is required.
Page 1 of 1Catalogue No. 48013716 Form No. 1147 (02/2014)
Notice of Disposal
Roads and Maritime Services is collecting your
personal information to record the notice of disposal of
your vehicle and may retain and use it for driver
licensing, motor vehicle and road transport or safety
You are not required to provide your personal
information but Roads and Maritime cannot process
this Notice without it and until a Notice of Disposal is
accepted by Roads and Maritime and registered
operator details updated you may still be held liable
for the vehicle. This information is given voluntarily,
however, it is in your best interest to do so as failure
to supply full details and sign the declaration can
result in the Notice not being recorded. You may be
held liable for the vehicle until the change in the
registered operator is recorded.
Roads and Maritime may disclose your personal
information to other driver licensing and vehicle
registration agencies, to assess your application or
verify the information you provide, for inquiries about
motor accidents, to confirm compulsory third party
(bodily injury) insurance is current, to anyone
proposing to acquire an interest in your vehicle, in
respect of inquiries relating to stolen or abandoned
vehicles, and to any joint registered operator of your
Otherwise Roads and Maritime will not disclose your
personal information without your consent unless
authorised by law.
Your personal information will be held by Roads and
Maritime at 20-44 Ennis Road, Milsons Point NSW
2061 and you can contact Roads and Maritime to
request to access or correct it.
You declare that the information on this form is true
and complete.
Privacy Statement
For your own protection you are strongly advised to positively identify the buyer and notify Roads and Maritime Services.
Do not rely on the buyer to transfer the registration.
Lodge a Notice of Disposal immediately online at rms.nsw.gov.au/NOD or fill out this form and mail to Roads and Maritime, PO Box
21, Parkes 2870 or lodge at a registry or Service NSW centre. Corporations must post it to PO Box 21, Parkes NSW 2870 or
lodge at a registry or Service NSW centre. Companies must lodge a Notice of Disposal at a registry.
If you forget, or are unable to provide Roads and Maritime with the buyer's full details (see Mandatory Fields below), you could be
responsible for parking, driving and other offences involving the vehicle until Roads and Maritime is able to record the full details of
the new operator.
If you have an E-Tag you should also update your number plate details with your tag provider.
Mandatory Fields - the Notice of Disposal cannot be recorded if all the mandatory fields are not completed.
day month year
/ /
Full name or Organisation name
Selling price or market price (whichever is higher)
Address details
Suburb (Do not abbreviate)
Buyer's Licence/Customer/
Card no. OR Date of birth
Australian Company Number
(ACN) OR Customer no.