City of Malibu
Recycled Paper
City Council Policy
Policy #50
Title: Green Street Policy
Purpose: Green streets are an amenity that provide many benefits including water quality
improvement, groundwater replenishment, creation of attractive streetscapes, creation of parks and
wildlife habitats, and pedestrian and bicycle accessibility. Green streets are defined as right-of-way
areas that incorporate infiltration, biofiltration, and/or storage and use Best Management Practices
(BMPs) to collect, retain, or detain stormwater runoff as well as a design element that creates
attractive streetscapes. This policy is enacted to demonstrate compliance with the NPDES MS4
Permit for the Los Angeles Region (Order No. R4-2012-0175).
Policy Statement:
The City of Malibu Public Works Department shall implement green street BMPs for transportation
corridors associated with new and redevelopment street and roadway projects, including Capital
Improvement Projects (CIPs).
A. Application. The Public Works Department shall require new development and/or redevelopment
streets and roadway projects, including CIP projects, which add at least 10,000 square feet of
impervious surface to incorporate green street BMPs to the maximum extent practicable. The term
“street and road construction projects” applies to projects that are standalone street, road, or
highway projects and also applies to such projects within larger projects. Routine maintenance or
repair and linear utility projects are excluded from these requirements. Routine maintenance
includes slurry seals, repaving, and reconstruction of the road or street where the original line and
grade are maintained and new impervious surface is not added.
B. Amenities. The Public Works Department shall consider opportunities to replenish groundwater,
create attractive streetscapes, create parks and wildlife habitats, and provide pedestrian and bicycle
accessibility through new development and redevelopment of streets and roadway projects and
C. Guidance. The Public Works Department shall use the City of Los Angeles Green Streets
guidance, USEPA’s Managing Wet Weather with Green Infrastructure Municipal Handbook:
Green Streets
, or equivalent guidance for use in public and private developments.
D. Retrofit Scope. The Public Works Department shall use the City’s Enhanced Watershed
Management Program to identify opportunities for green street BMP retrofits. Final decisions