400 UMSU University Centre
Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2 Canada
Tel: 204-474-9420
Fax: 204-269-1065
Report of an Incident Involving Departure from the Accepted Procedure During an Examination
The Chief Invigilator is responsible for having this form completed and returned to the appropriate professor
so that it may be returned to the respective department along with the sign in sheets at the close of the examination.
Date: , 20 Course being written:
Student Number: Seat Number:
Student’s Name:
Current Address:
Student’s Signature:
(for identication purposes only)
(Include names of invigilators involved and action. Use reverse and/or extra sheets if necessary.)
Chief Invigilator Student’s (Indicates report seen but not necessarily agreed with)
On , 20 And Distributed On , 20 To: Student
Dean/Director of Student’s Faculty/School:
Dean/Director of Faculty/School Oering the course:
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
Situation-specic Instructions for Invigilators
Suspected Infraction:
• Immediately:
Notify the student about the observed or suspected infraction.
Allow the student to continue writing the examination. If the behaviour of the student is found to be disruptive to the conduct of that examination, please see the
additional instructions below.
Immediately complete the introductory section of the Report of an Incident form (see reverse), and ask the student to sign at that point in order to ensure
positive student identication.
Record the nature of the alleged infraction.
Advise the student of his or her right to submit a separate report on the circumstances of the incident to the Dean/Director of their academic unit.
By or at the close of the examination:
Ask the student to read the form containing full details of the incident.
Disruptive Student Behaviour:
• Immediately:
Provide warning to the student that their behaviour has been deemed disruptive, and that they will be required to leave the examination should the behaviour
If the disruptive behaviour continues:
Require the student to cease writing the examination and leave the examination hall.
Document the situation on the Report of an Incident form (see reverse), to the extent possible, in the manner outlined above.
Unable to Continue due to Family/Medical Emergency:
• Immediately:
Have the student hand in their exam.
Have the student indicate either that they wish to submit their exam paper as: (1) completed; or (2) not completed and with the right to request a deferred
examination. If the student submits their exam paper as completed, they will not have the right to request a deferred examination.
Record the nature of the reason the student is unable to continue and their indication as to the completion of their exam, on the Report of an Incident form (see
If applicable, advise the student that to request a deferred examination, they must contact their academic unit as soon as possible (ideally no later than the next
business day).
Disruption due to Fire Alarm:
• Immediately:
Take note of the time.
Announce that students must leave all belongings in their place, and to vacate the building. In colder weather, students should be allowed to take their coats.
Indicate that the exam will continue after access into the exam hall is regained, and that the time allotted for the exam will be extended.
Once access to the exam hall has been regained:
Allow an appropriate amount of time for students to return to the exam room, and their seats – about 5 minutes.
Announce the amount of time being appended to the end of the exam period, and provide indication as to the amount of time remaining.
Announce the resumption of the exam.
Document the disruption on the Report of an Incident form (see reverse).
Technical Irregularity (e.g. misprinted information or wrong instructions):
• Immediately:
Inform Invigilators supervising the same exam in other locations of the irregularity.
Contact the Registrar’s Oce, who will provide notice to any students writing the exam o-campus, if possible.
Document the irregularity on the Report of an Incident form (see reverse).
400 UMSU University Centre
Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2 C
Tel: 204-474-9420
Fax: 204-269-1065