4. For your application to be processed, it is essential that a set of the most up to date, signed
audited or certified accounts, copies of current bank statements for all bank accounts, a
Chairman’s Report or Constitution and a copy of the Policy Statement regarding Child
Protection and/or Vulnerable Adults (if applicable) be submitted in hard copy with the
application. No public funds may be paid over until the accounts and report have been
inspected and the Council is satisfied. The accounts must be audited or certified as
described and should also have a signed statement from an independent person, i.e. auditor,
accountant etc.
5. Clubs or organisations involved in providing activities for children or youths will need to
provide information on their adopted policy statement for Child Protection in relation to
the Children’s Act 1989 and the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 regarding the
recruitment of staff, paid or voluntary. The information must make clear that procedures
have been established to include prevention of abuse and clearly define roles for staff and
training in relation to child protection. The Council will look for evidence that groups
working with vulnerable members of society (e.g. people with special needs etc.) follow
good practice in protecting such people with information provided on their adopted policy
statement for Vulnerable Adults.
6. Organisations are required to submit only one application when applying for funding for
different activities and projects rather than multiple applications.
7. Due to the ongoing COVID 19 restrictions and as there is currently no access to the Town
Hall, all applications are to be submitted electronically via email. Covering emails must
list the documentation that is being attached so that it can be checked off as having been
8. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information.
9. Where the application is for new equipment that is over £100 in value, please supply at
least two quotations.
10. Should your grant application be successful, please note that if your funding is for a capital
project, such as purchasing equipment etc, you will be required to produce evidence of
this, e.g. invoices/receipts, for our records as soon as possible. It is important to also note
that in the event of your organisation closing or if the project/services funded by the
Council do not proceed, the grant aid must be returned to the Council.
11. The Town Council reserves the right to reclaim the grant in the event of it not being used
for the purpose specified on the application form.
12. Failure to comply with these guidelines by not supplying all of the required
documentation will result in consideration not being given to your application.
Therefore, your application will not be considered unless sufficient written
explanation is provided as to the reason for absence and confirmation of when such
documentation will be available. To avoid extra administrative time, this action will
be taken without further redress to the applicant: The onus is on the applicant to
ensure all requirements are met by the due date.
13. Applications for aid must be made on the form provided by this Council and must be
emailed to the Town Clerk (in accordance with clause 7 above) to arrive not later than
5.00pm on Friday 25
September 2020. Late applications will not be considered. Funds
for all successful grant applications will be awarded during April 2021, the next financial
Please complete the enclosed Check List and return with your application form