City of Rio Rancho
● 3200 Civic Center Circle NE ● Suite 130 ● Rio Rancho, NM 87144
Revised: July 2015 Page 2
6. Is the proposed development in an identified floodway?
7. If yes to #6, is a “No Rise Certification” with supporting data attached?
Section B: New Structures and Building Sites
1. Base Flood Elevation at the site:
2. Required lowest floor elevation (including basement):
3. Elevation to which all attendant utilities, including all heating and electrical equipment will
be protected from flood damage: Feet NGVD 29
Section C: Alterations, Additions, or Improvements to Existing Structures
1. What is the estimated market value of the existing structure? (Attach documentation)
2. What is the cost of the proposed construction (Attach documentation)
3. If the cost of the proposed construction equals or exceeds 50% of the market value of the
structure, then the substantial improvement provisions shall apply.
The proposed construction = of the market value of the structure.
Section D: Non-Residential Flood Proofed Construction
1. Will the subdivision or other development contain 50 lots or 5 acres?
Yes No
2. If yes to #1, does the plat or proposal clearly identify base flood elevations?
Yes No
3. Are the 100 Year Floodplain and Floodway delineated on the site plan?
Yes No
Section E: Other Permits
1. Is a US Army Corps of Engineers 404 permit required? (Attach copy of Issued Permit)
Yes No
2. Is a Rio Rancho Endangered Species Act Categorical Exclusion Checklist (DS-ENG-02 (E))
required? (Attach copy of completed checklist)
Yes No