immed iat e' no tice ' to' end' the ' Agree ment' or' may' at' his' option' give' no tice ' to' the' tena n t' to' imme diate ly' correct' the'
breach.'The' landlord' has'the'right' to'end' the'tenancy'if' the'tenant'fails'to'correct'the' said'breach'within' a'reasonable'
time'after'having'been 'given 'written 'no tice'by'the 'land lord.'
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
In'a cc o rdance'with'Sections'23'and'35'of'the'Act'and'Part'3'of'the'regulation,'the'landlord' and'tenant' m ust'inspect'
the'condition'o f'the 'pre m ises'together'whe n'th e'te na nt'is'entitled'to'posse ssion .'If'a'Condition'Inspe ction 'w as'not'
completed'o n'the'possession'date,'o r 'the'end'of'th e'tenan cy ,'the'landlord 'and'tenant'may'agree'on'a'diff e re n t'day'
for' the' C o nd ition ' Inspection .' The' right' of' th e' tenant' or' the' landlord' to' claim' against' a ' security' deposit' or' a' p et'
damage'deposit,'or'both,'for'dam age'to'the'residential'property'is'extinguished'if'that'party'does'not'comply'w ith'
If' the' te n an t ' remains' in' possession' of' the' premises' after' 1:00' pm ' o n' the' last' day' of' the' term' as' set' out' in' this'
Agreement,' or'after'any'other' lawful'end'of'the'tenancy,'the'landlord'm ay'claim' for'dam ages'against'the'tenant'and'
the'tenant' sh all' be ' liable' fo r' da m age s' su ffered ' by ' the'landlord.'The'landlord'm ay' a pply ' for' a n' O rde r' of' P oss essio n' o r' a'
similar' order' from' a' court' of' a n' arbitrator' an d' w hen ' such' an' order' has' been' obtained,' eviction' by' the' bailiff' may'
follow.'In'add ition ,'th e'tenant'should're m e m b er'th a t'th e'landlord'and'th e'in co m in g'te n an t'h ave 'a 'c ivil'righ t'o f'ac tion '
In'the'even t'o f'a'fire ,'o r'w a te r'o r'ga s 'es ca p e 'sta rt in g'in 'th e 'ten a n t’s 'pr emises,'the'ten a n t'sh a ll're p o rt'it'w ith o u t'd e la y'
to'the'landlord ' o r' lan dlo rd’s' agent'(which' in clud es' the'building' m an age r).' In' addition,'t he' tenant'shall'immediately'
or' the'occurrence'is'an'Act'of'God,'the'tenant'shall'be'liable'to'pay'for'any'costs'arising' from'any' hazard'or'threat'to'
safety,'including'any'fire,'starting'in'the'tenan t’s' p remises,'or'resulting'from' the'conduct' o r'action'of'the' tenant'or'h is'
guest.'The'landlord'shall'not'be'liable'for'such'costs,'but'shall' h ave'the' right'pursuant'to' the'Residential'Property' Act,'
to'terminate'the'tenan cy'ag reem e nt'and 'm ay'req uire'th e'tena nt'to'va cate'an d'd eliver'up 'pos sessio n'on 'sho rt'notice.'
The'tenant'promises'and'agrees'w ith'the'landlord'no t'to'do'anything'which'may'void'or' render'violable'the'policy'or'
policies'of'insurance'covering 'the'Residential'Property'and'Premises,'or'w h ich 'may'cause'the'p re miums'in'resp e ct'of'
the' policies' to' be' increased.' If' the' prem ium s' are' increase d' as' a' result' of' a ' breach' of' this' prom ise,' the' tenan t'
Unless' the' landlord' is' in' breach' of' a' lawful' duty,' the' tenant' waives' and' releases' the' landlord' from' a ny ' liability'
whatsoever,' in' conn ec tio n ' with' the' use' by' the' tenan ts,' or' guests' o f' the ' ten an ts,' for'Residential'Property' services,'
furnishings,'equ ipment'and'facilities' sup p lied 'by 'th e'la nd lord ,'inc lud ing 'inju ries'o r'd amage'caused 'by 'an ything'done'or'
admitted'to'be'don e'b y'any' of' the' Tenants' or'the' tenant’s'guests,'in' the' Residential'Property,'or'by' the' landlord'or'his'
The'landlord'shall'not'in'any'event'whatsoever,'be'liable'or'responsib le'in'any'way'for'any'person ’s'injury'or'death'
that' m a y'be'suffered'or'sustained'by'the'tenant'or'any'employee 'of'the'tenant'or'any'member'of'the'tenant’s'family,'
his'agent'or'agents'or'guests,'or'any'other'person,'who'may'be'upon'the'Premises'or'residential'p rop erty ,'for'any'loss'
or'dam age'or' injury'to' any'property'including' cars'and'contents'thereof'belonging'to'the' tenant'or'to' any'member'of'
the'ten ant’s'family,'his'agent'or'a gen ts'or'guest,'or'any 'other'person'who'may 'be'upon'the'premises'or'residential'
damage' to'any'property' caused'by'stains,' water,'rain' or'snow'which'may'leak' into,'issue' or'flow'from'any' part'of'the'
or' from'any'other'place'or'quarter'or'for'any'damage'caused'by,'attributable'to'the'condition'or'arrangement'or'any'