(29)%Additiona l%Te rms%to%the%Resid en tia l%Te n an cy %A gre e m e n t%%
a) If' the' tenan t' te rminates' the ' ten a n c y' b e fo re ' th e ' e xp iry ,' a ' su m' of' equivale n t' to ' T w o ' Months' ren t ' w ill' b e '
charged' by' the'landlord'and'the'tenant'will' pay' this'amount' im mediately,' as' a' service'charge' for' tenancy'
changeover'costs,'such'as'advertising,'interviewing,'administration'and're-ren ting ,'for'th is'sh ort' term 'te na nc y.'
b) The'tenancy'shall'end'at'1:00'pm'in'the'afternoon'on'the'day'of'termination.'Once'notice'of'termination'is'
given,'the ' premises' may' be'sho wn ' to' p rosp ective ' tenants' in'accord anc e' with' the'Resid entia l' Tenancy' Act.'
The'tenant'agrees'to'co -operate'in'the'interest'of'incoming'Tenants.'
Full'names'of'all'Adult'persons'(age'19'or'older),'to'occupy'the'premises.'Inclu de'giv en'na m es'for'each'one.''
Full'names' of'MINOR' OCCUPAN TS'(under'age' 19,' including' infants).'Include' nam es'of'each' and ' every'minor'to' occupy'
the'premises'and'the ir'ages. '
The' tenant' acknowledges' and' agrees' that' if' the' agent' of' the' landlord' receives' a' security' deposit' on ' behalf' of' the'
landlord'from'the'ten an t ,'th e'agent'is'not'a'stakeholder'of'the'security'dep osit'and'may'release'it' in'accordance'with'
the'instru ction s'of'the'landlord.'In'the'ev ent'the'security'deposit'is'so'released,'the'la ndlo rd'will'be'responsible'for'
returning' the' security' deposit' and' accumulated' interest' to' the' tenan t' in' acco rda nce ' with' the' provisio ns' of' th e'
Late' payment,' returned' and' non-sufficient' fund' cheques' (N.S.F.),' are' subject' to' a' m inim um ' of' $25.00' each' as' an '
administration'fee' and' th e' th en ' cu rrent' rate'char ged' for' such' services'by' ROYAL' BANK' OF' CANADA,' Main' Branch,'
Vancouver,' British' Columbia.' Notwithstanding' a' service' charge,' failure' to' pay' rent' on' the' due' date' shall' be' a'
fundame nta l' b rea ch ' of'this'Agree m e nt.' The'obligatio n' of'the' ten an t' under'this' A gre e m e n t' and' by' law'requires'the'
rent'to' b e'paid 'on'the'date'that'it'is'due.'For'exa mple,'an' excuse'by' a'tenant' that'he'or'she'does'not' have'the' m oney'
or'will'not'have'the'money'until'a'later'date'is'not'an'a cc e p ta b le'e xc u se 'in 'law.'
When'a'person'who'is'not' listed' in' the'paragraph'19'above,' resides' in' the'premises'for'a'period' in' excess'of'TWO'
without'the'right'or'permission'of'the'land lo rd .'Th is'pe rso n 'or'pe rso n s 'sha ll'be'co n sid e red 'a'tresp a s se r.'W h ere 'the '
tenant'anticipates'an 'ad dition al'pe rson 'in'the 'ren tal'premises,'they'shall'promp tly'ap ply'in 'w riting'fo r'permission'from'
the'landlord'for'such'person'to'bec om e'a' pe rm an ent'occupant.'Failure'to'apply'and'obtain' the'necessary' approval' of'
the' la ndlo rd' in' writing' is' considered' a' fundamental' breach ' of' the' Agreement.' The' landlord' may' at' his' option,' give'
immed iat e' no tice ' to' end' the ' Agree ment' or' may' at' his' option' give' no tice ' to' the' tena n t' to' imme diate ly' correct' the'
breach.'The' landlord' has'the'right' to'end' the'tenancy'if' the'tenant'fails'to'correct'the' said'breach'within' a'reasonable'
time'after'having'been 'given 'written 'no tice'by'the 'land lord.'
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
In'a cc o rdance'with'Sections'23'and'35'of'the'Act'and'Part'3'of'the'regulation,'the'landlord' and'tenant' m ust'inspect'
the'condition'o f'the 'pre m ises'together'whe n'th e'te na nt'is'entitled'to'posse ssion .'If'a'Condition'Inspe ction 'w as'not'
completed'o n'the'possession'date,'o r 'the'end'of'th e'tenan cy ,'the'landlord 'and'tenant'may'agree'on'a'diff e re n t'day'
for' the' C o nd ition ' Inspection .' The' right' of' th e' tenant' or' the' landlord' to' claim' against' a ' security' deposit' or' a' p et'
damage'deposit,'or'both,'for'dam age'to'the'residential'property'is'extinguished'if'that'party'does'not'comply'w ith'
If' the' te n an t ' remains' in' possession' of' the' premises' after' 1:00' pm ' o n' the' last' day' of' the' term' as' set' out' in' this'
Agreement,' or'after'any'other' lawful'end'of'the'tenancy,'the'landlord'm ay'claim' for'dam ages'against'the'tenant'and'
the'tenant' sh all' be ' liable' fo r' da m age s' su ffered ' by ' the'landlord.'The'landlord'm ay' a pply ' for' a n' O rde r' of' P oss essio n' o r' a'
similar' order' from' a' court' of' a n' arbitrator' an d' w hen ' such' an' order' has' been' obtained,' eviction' by' the' bailiff' may'
follow.'In'add ition ,'th e'tenant'should're m e m b er'th a t'th e'landlord'and'th e'in co m in g'te n an t'h ave 'a 'c ivil'righ t'o f'ac tion '
In'the'even t'o f'a'fire ,'o r'w a te r'o r'ga s 'es ca p e 'sta rt in g'in 'th e 'ten a n t’s 'pr emises,'the'ten a n t'sh a ll're p o rt'it'w ith o u t'd e la y'
to'the'landlord ' o r' lan dlo rd’s' agent'(which' in clud es' the'building' m an age r).' In' addition,'t he' tenant'shall'immediately'
or' the'occurrence'is'an'Act'of'God,'the'tenant'shall'be'liable'to'pay'for'any'costs'arising' from'any' hazard'or'threat'to'
safety,'including'any'fire,'starting'in'the'tenan t’s' p remises,'or'resulting'from' the'conduct' o r'action'of'the' tenant'or'h is'
guest.'The'landlord'shall'not'be'liable'for'such'costs,'but'shall' h ave'the' right'pursuant'to' the'Residential'Property' Act,'
to'terminate'the'tenan cy'ag reem e nt'and 'm ay'req uire'th e'tena nt'to'va cate'an d'd eliver'up 'pos sessio n'on 'sho rt'notice.'
The'tenant'promises'and'agrees'w ith'the'landlord'no t'to'do'anything'which'may'void'or' render'violable'the'policy'or'
policies'of'insurance'covering 'the'Residential'Property'and'Premises,'or'w h ich 'may'cause'the'p re miums'in'resp e ct'of'
the' policies' to' be' increased.' If' the' prem ium s' are' increase d' as' a' result' of' a ' breach' of' this' prom ise,' the' tenan t'
Unless' the' landlord' is' in' breach' of' a' lawful' duty,' the' tenant' waives' and' releases' the' landlord' from' a ny ' liability'
whatsoever,' in' conn ec tio n ' with' the' use' by' the' tenan ts,' or' guests' o f' the ' ten an ts,' for'Residential'Property' services,'
furnishings,'equ ipment'and'facilities' sup p lied 'by 'th e'la nd lord ,'inc lud ing 'inju ries'o r'd amage'caused 'by 'an ything'done'or'
admitted'to'be'don e'b y'any' of' the' Tenants' or'the' tenant’s'guests,'in' the' Residential'Property,'or'by' the' landlord'or'his'
The'landlord'shall'not'in'any'event'whatsoever,'be'liable'or'responsib le'in'any'way'for'any'person ’s'injury'or'death'
that' m a y'be'suffered'or'sustained'by'the'tenant'or'any'employee 'of'the'tenant'or'any'member'of'the'tenant’s'family,'
his'agent'or'agents'or'guests,'or'any'other'person,'who'may'be'upon'the'Premises'or'residential'p rop erty ,'for'any'loss'
or'dam age'or' injury'to' any'property'including' cars'and'contents'thereof'belonging'to'the' tenant'or'to' any'member'of'
the'ten ant’s'family,'his'agent'or'a gen ts'or'guest,'or'any 'other'person'who'may 'be'upon'the'premises'or'residential'
damage' to'any'property' caused'by'stains,' water,'rain' or'snow'which'may'leak' into,'issue' or'flow'from'any' part'of'the'
or' from'any'other'place'or'quarter'or'for'any'damage'caused'by,'attributable'to'the'condition'or'arrangement'or'any'
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Tenants'and'guests'shall'use'the'premises'for'PRIVATE'RESIDENTIAL'PUR POSES'ONLY'and'not'for'any'illegal'unlawful'
commercial'o r'business'purposes.''N o 'pub lic'me et ing s'or'assemblies'shall'be'held'on'the'premise s.''No'busine ss 'or'
commercial' advertising' shall' be' placed' on' or' at' the' premises.' ' W HEN ' DRAPES' OR' BLINDS' ARE' SUPPLIED' by' the '
landlord,' the' ten a n t’s' drapes' and' cur ta in s' may' not' used' without' landlord’s' p e rmission.' ' ALTERA TIONS:' th e ' tenant'
shall' n ot'm ake'or'cau se'any'structural'alterations'to'b e'm ade.''PA INTING ,'PAPER ING'A ND 'DE CO RATIN G'sha ll'be'done'
only' with' the' prior' written' consent' of' the' landlord' with' authorized' colours' only,' HOOKS,' NAILS,' TAPES' OR' OTHER'
DEVICES' for' hanging' pictures' or' plants' or' for' affixing' anything' the' structure' shall' be' of' a' type' approved' by' the'
landlord'and'shall' o n ly'be' u se d 'with' h is 'prior' c o ns en t .''The' tenant'without' written'permission'of' the' landlord'm ay' not'
PARKING'AREAS'or'on' landlord’s'property.''The'tenant'is'responsible'for'the'cutting'and' trimming'of'grass;'weeding'o f'
flowers'beds'a nd 'ke ep ing 'the 'fron t'an d'b ac kya rds 'neat'and'tidy,'on'a'regular'basis.'
**The'Tenants'are'aware'that'this'Tenancy'agreement'shall'not'be'assigned'and'the'property'shall'not'be'sub-let'in '
**The'Tenants'agree'that'this' property' is'for' their'personal'use'only'and'is'for' lo ng -term'ten an cy'only'an d'may' n ot'be'
The' tenant' agrees' to' m aintain' the' property' in' clean' and' satisfactory' conditions.' ' The' maintenance' also' include'
keeping' the 'furnace'filters' clean,'gutters'are'free'of'debris,' m aintaining'the'lawn'(front/back),'gardens'or' l andscaping'
Having' regard'to'the'quiet'enjoyment' and'health'requirements' of'other'occupants'in'the'residential'property' as'well'
as' the'nature'of' the'property;'the'tena nt'sh all'not'ke ep ,'or'allow 'to'be 'kept,'an y'pe ts,'such'a s'do gs,'or'cats,'do m estic'
reasonably.''Where'the'landlord'has'given'h is'permission'in'advance'in'writing,'the'tenant'shall'ensure'that'the'pets'
no' damages'occur'to'the' residential'property'and'premises'as'a'result'of'having'the'p ets.''This' is'a 'm ate rial'con ditio n'
of'the'agreement.''If'any'damages' occur'of' any'nature' whatsoever'caused'by'the' said'pets,'the'tenant' shall'be'liable'
for' such ' damages' and' shall' p ay ' the' landlord ' sufficient' mon ies ' to' compen sa te' the' landlord' in' respect' of' damages,'
expense,'legal'fees,'or' any' other'reasonable' costs' incurred'by'the' said' landlord.''Further,'that' if'the'landlord'gives'
notice'to'the' tenant' to' correct'any' breach,' and' the' tenant' fails'to' com ply' within'a'reasonable'time;'the'landlord'has' a'
right'to 'end'the'tenancy'along'w ith 'making'the'appropriate'claims'against'the'ten an t.'Having'regard'to'the 'potential'
In' order' to' p ro mote' the' safety,' welfare,' enjoymen t' and' comfo rt ' of' other' occupant s' or' tenants' of' the' Residential'
Property,' the' tenant' and' guests' shall'not' disturb,' harass,' or' annoy' o ther' occupants' of' the' Residential' Property' or'
neighbors.'In'addition,'noise' of' any'kind,'which' in' the'reasonable'opinion'of' the'landlord'may' be'calculated'to'disturb'
the'comfort'of' a ny' o the r'occu pa nts' o f' the ' Re siden tial' Pro pe rty' sh all'no t' be 'm ad e' by 'ten ant' o r' gu est,' no r' sh all'any '
noise' whatsoever,' including' the' playing' of' any' musical' instruments' be' repeated' or' persisted' after' a' request' to'
discontinue'such' noise' has' been' m ade' by' the' landlord.'' The' tenant' or' tenant’s'guest' shall' be' cause' or' allow' loud'
conversation,'m u sic,'television,'radio,'or'an y'irritating'noise'to'disturb'the'peaceful'enjoyment'of'other'occupants' at'
anytime,'and 'in'particular'between'the'hours'of'10:00' p.m.'and'9:00a.m.''Any'tenant,'who' causes'other'occupants'to'
vacate' Residential' Property' because' of' noise,' or' other' disturbance,' harassment,' or' annoyance,' shall' inde mnify' the'
landlord'for 'any 'reaso n a b le'co sts 'and 'loss es 'cau se d 'there b y,'an d 'ma y'ha v e'the 'tena n c y'terminated'on'sho rt'no tice '
The'door'to' the' tenant’s'premises'shall' be' kept'closed,'and ' in' the' tenant’s'absence'locked.' 'Subject'to' the'Act,'no' lock'
or' security' device' shall' be' installed' or' changed' or' altered,' and' no' extra' keys' shall' be' made' for' any' lock' in' the'
residential'p rop erty'or'prem ises,'except'w ith' th e'prior'con sen t' o f' th e'landlord.'T he ' ten a nt'shall'be' re spo n sib le'for'an y '
costs'incurred' to' repair'the' en trance' to'the' p remises,' including'any' da mag e' and'all'necessary' repairs,'in'the' event'
that'he'locks'himself'out'o f'the'pre m ises.'' '
The' unauthorized' entry' to' any' part' of' the' residential' premises' by' illegal' possession' of' keys' or' otherwise' by' any'
on'any'adult' occupant'of' the' tenant’s'premises,'or'served' by' delivering'to,'mailing'to,'or'posting' upon' that' part'of' the'
All'luggage,'vehicles,'or'other'property'of'the'tenant,'stored'on'the're siden tial'p rop erty,' sha ll'b e'k ep t'in' sa fe' con dition '
in'pro p er'storage 'areas'and'shall'b e 'at'th e 'tenant’s 'risk'fo r'loss,'t h eft 'or'd amage'fro m'any'cause'whats o e ve r.''On ly '
vehicles' listed'in'the'tenancy'application'(and'no'other'vehicles)' may' be'parked'or'stored'on'the'residential'property.''
The'parking'areas'are'to'be'occupied'by'veh icles,'w hich'are'in'operating,'condition,'currently'licensed,'and'insured.''
You' cannot' store'vehicles,' which' are,'for' example,' o n' blocks' or' are' not' in' operating' condition.' ' Bicycles' are' to' be'
stored'in'the'designated 'a reas'o nly.'' They 'sh all'not' be' kept,' left'or' stored' on' balcon ies,'or' in'ha llways.'' Th ey' cannot' be'
moved'through'lobbies,'hallways,'or'placed'in'elevators.''The'tenant'shall'be'responsible'for'any'claims,'exp en s es ,'a n d '
damages' of' any' nature' as' a' result' of' the' tenant’s' failure' to' obey' the' terms' of' this' Agreement.' In' addition,' no'
residential'pro pe rty,' except'those ' areas'design ated ' for'disposa l.' 'All'garbag e' shall'be' d ra ined ,' bagged,'or' wrapped,'
and'tied'securely'before'being'placed'in' chute'or' approved'receptacle.' The'person'responsible'shall'clean'up'spillage'
immed iat ely ;' t en a n t s' must' com p ly' with' the' bu ild in g ' recycling' met h o d s .' ' Any' large' ite m ' to' be' discar d ed ,' such' as'
furniture,'m us t' not'be' abandon ed ' or'placed' in'garbag e' collection' are as,' but'm ust' be'rem ov ed ' from'the' residential'
property' by' the' tenant' at' the' tenant’s' expense.' ' The' tenant' must' comply' with' the' residential' property' recycling'
The' tenant’s' possessions' and' furniture' shall' be ' moved' in ' o r' out' of' t h e' building' by' design a ted ' doors' an d ' in' a'
competent'manner,'at'the'risk'of'the'tenant'and'mover.'The'mover'or'tenan t'shall'be'liable'for'any'costs'of'moving,'
including 'MOVE'IN/ O U T 'F E E 'c ha rg e s'b y 'S tra ta ' C ou n c il'o f 'th e 'b u ild in g,' an y 'costs'resulting'from'injury,'or'form'damages'
to'the'tenant’s'p osse ssion s'and'furn iture ,'or'from'damage'to'the'landlord’s'pro pe rty'and'se rvices.'The'ten an t'agrees'
that'the'mover'engag ed'is'the'ten ant’s'agent'and'the'tenant'is'responsible'as'a'principal,'for'any' dam ages'caused' by'
the'mover'or'the'land lord’s'pro pe rty'or'serv ices. '
The' tenant,' acting' prudently,' must' carry' sufficient' insurance' coverage' for' his' personal' property,' together' with'
sufficient' insurance' coverage' including' fire,' smoke,' water' damage,' theft' and' third' party' liability,' and' may' be' held'
liable' for' accidental' in ju ry ,' accidental' d a m a g e' or' acciden ta l' breakage' a risin g ' from' the' tenant’s' abu siv e ,' willful' or'
negligent'act' or' omission,'or' that' of' his' guest,'in' his' use' of' the' landlord’s' services' an d' p roperty' (see ' Clause ' 37' re'
waterbeds).'The'tenant'agrees'to'provide'copies'of'insurance'coverage'to'the'landlord ' before'or'on'the'possession'
date.'' Should'the' tenant'allow'the'tenant’s'insurance'to' expire'or'lapse,'the'tenant'shall'continue'to'be'personally'
liable'for'all'damage ,'injury ,'or'break ag e 'as'abov e .'The'ten an t'agre e s'tha t'this'is'a'fundamental'term'of'this'tenan c y'
agreement' and' will' be' sufficient' cause' for' the' Landlord' or' the' Landlord’s' agent,' at' their' option,' to' te rm inate ' this'
tenancy'agreem ent'fo r'cause . '
premises.' Under'no'circumstances'will'waterbeds'w ithout'proper'fram es 'and'safety'line rs'be'allowed.'The'land lord’s'
approval' shall' be' subject' to' the' tenant' providing' the' landlord' w ith' written' evidence' that' the' tenant' has' in' place'
waterbed'liability'insurance'with'a'minimum'coverage'of'$1,000,000.00.'The'tenant'shall'not' bring'on'the'premises' or'
the' residential' property' any' furniture,' appliances,' or' other' chattels ,' which' can' be' considered' to' be' liquid' filled,'
that' (a)' words' imparting' the' singular' shall' also' mean' plural,' and' vice' versa,' except' where' the' context' indicates'
otherwise;' (b)' the' words' “applicant,' occupant' and' tenant”,' used' in' the' Application' for' tenancy,' the' Residential'
Tenancy'Agreement,'and'in'rules'and' regulations'forming'part'thereof,'mean' all'proposed' and' actual'occupants'of' the'
premises' rented,'and'include'guests'w here'applicable;'(c)'the'word'“landlord”'includes'the'owner'and'his'authorized'
The'tenant’s'obligations'shall'be'joint'and'several,'if'there'is'more'than' one' tenant.'If'there'is'mo re'than' one' landlord,'
the'landlord’s'obligatio ns'sh all'be'joint'an d'sev eral. '
As'requested'by'the'landlord’s'insurance' com pa ny,' the'tenant'and ' the'landlord'agree'that'the' land lord' ha s' the'right'to'
inspect'the' p remises.'The'land lo rd 'w ill'give 'the 'ten a nt 'a'no tic e' o r'by 'ph o n e 'to'ins p ec t'th e'res id e n tia l'pre m is es ,'an d'
____________' ' ' ' ____________'
''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Landlord’s'initial' ' ' ' Tenant’s'initial'
Unless'clearly'indicated'in' this'addendum' or'on'a' Tenancy'agreement,'the' Tenant'shall'pay' the' cost'of' utilities'for'
or'are'not'paid'to'the'landlord'are'the'responsibility'of'the'utility'service'resulting'from 'the'tenant’s'can cellatio n'of'
failure'to'm a inta in'paymen t'of'his'utility'account'is'a'breach 'of'a'm ate rial'term'of'this'Agreem e nt.'The'land lord 'has'
the'right'to'end'the'tenancy'if'the'tenant'fails'to'correct'the'breach'within'a'reasonable'time'aft er'receiving'written'
notice'to'do' so.' Any' utilities'charges'to'be' paid' to' the' landlord'that' remain'unpaid' more' than' 30'days'after'the'tenant'
receives' a' written' deman d ' for' paym e nt' w ill' be' treated' as' un pa id' rent' an d' the' lan dlo rd' m ay ' issue' a' Notice' to' En d'
The' landlord' agrees' not' to' use' or' disclose' any' of' the' tenant’s' personal' information' contained' in' this' Agreement'
without' the' tenant’s' prior' written' permission' unless' the' Personal' Information' Protection' Act' permits' such' use' or'
Responsibility'prior'to'possession'and'will' at'all' times'during' the'period' of'the'tenancy'comply'w ith'the'provisions'of'
the'Stra ta'Property'Act' as'it'affe cts'them'as'ten an t(s)'and' o ccup ier(s)'of' the 'strata' lot.'The' te nan t(s)'agree' to 'abide' b y'
the'provisions'of'the'bylaw s 'and'th e'rules'an d'reg ulatio ns'of'th e'Strata 'Corp oratio n'as'ad op ted 'from 'time 'to'tim e.'
(a) The'Tenant'agrees'to'notify'the'Landlord/or'his'Agent'of'an'intended'absence'of'more'than'ten'(10)'days'and'
will'perm it't h e'L an d lo r d/ o r'h is'A g en t 'to 'en t er'th e 'p re m is es 'in 'an'emergency.''' ' '
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Tenant’s'Initials'
(b) No'pets'are'allowed'in 'th e'p r emises'withou t 'th e'a p p ro v a l'of 'th e'la n d lo rd / o r'h is'A g en t.' ______________'
(c) 'Absolutely'No'Smoking'is'allowed'in'the'premises' ' ' ' ' _______________''''
' ' ' ' ''''''''' Tenant’s'Initials'
The'tenant'acknowledges'and'agrees'that'the'landlord'or'landlord’s'agent'is'not'represen tin g'or'acting'on'beh alf'of'
the'tenant'in'this'agreem en t.'
Working With a REALTOR
Who is Not Your Agent
You may choose to use the services of a REALTOR
without having any kind of agency relationship. This might occur, for
example, when you contact or are being shown a property by the Landlord’s Designated Agent, who will treat you as their
customer/tenant rather than their client.
In this situation, the REALTOR
is not permitted to recommend or suggest a price, negotiate on your behalf, inform you of
their client’s bottom line price point or disclose any confidential information about their client unless otherwise authorized
by the client (or if in special circumstances, the law required it). However, the REALTOR
can provide you with other
services, such as:
Explaining real estate terms, practices and forms
Assist in screening or viewing properties
Prepare and present all tenancy agreements at your direction
Identify and estimate costs involved in a this rental/lease
As a Customer/ Tenant you should:
Carefully read all documents and understand what you are signing.
If you need special or expert advice, seek other professionals for advice.
If't h e'Ten an t 'ends 'the'fixed'term'tenan c y 'before 'the'end'of'the'original'term'as'set'out'above,'the'Landlord'may,'at'
the' Landlord’s' optio n,' trea t' his' Te na ncy' A gre em en t' as' b eing ' at' an ' en d.' In' su ch ' even t,' the' T enant' shall'pay' to' the'
Landlord,'as'liquidated'damages'and'not'as'a'penalty,'all'adm inistration'costs'advertising'and'property'management'
costs'of're-ren tin g'the'said 'prem ise s.'The'La nd lord 'and 'Ten an t'ackn o w ledg e'and 'agre e'that'the 'payment'of'the'said'
liquidated ' damages' shall' not' preclu d e' the ' Land lo rd ' from' exercising' any' furthe r' right ' of' pursu in g ' ano th e r' rem ed y '
available'in'law'or'in'equity,'including,'but'not'limited'to,'damages'to'the'premises'and'dam age s'as'result'of'rental'
income'lo s s'd u e 'to 'th e 'Te n a n t’s'b re ac h 'o f'th e 'te rms'of'this'agree ment.'
Tenant'agrees,'upon'termination/expiration'of'this'contract,'the'rental'p r o p e rty 'will'be'profe s s io n a lly 'cleaned'or'with'
similar'standard'of'cleanliness;'any'damages'(other'than'normal'wear'and'tear)' will'be'repaired'at'Tenant’s'expenses.'
If'Tenant'fa ils 'to 'd o 's o ,'La n d lo rd 'will'complet e't h e' clean ing/repair'and'has'permission'to'deduct'the'cost'of'
The'tenant'further'agrees'that'the'Landlord'may'deduct'from'the'deposit(s)'including'with o u t'limitation'the'f o llowing,''
' ' ' ' ' ' ''''''''''
CONTAINED' HEREIN' AND' ACKNOWLEDGES' RECEIPT' OF' THE' DUPLICATE' COPY.' The' parties' intending' to' be' legally'
____________________________________________''''''''' Print'Name'____________________________________'
____________________________________________'''''''' Print'Name____________________________________''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Agreed'and'signed'by'LANDLORD/AGENT'' ' ' '
___________________________________________'' Print'Name____________________________________'
' ' ' ' ' '