Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
The owner/operator must prepare a SWPPP - a plan
for controlling runoff and pollutants from a site during
and after construction activities. The principal
objective of a SWPPP is to comply with the NY SPDES
Stormwater Permit for construction activities by
planning and implementing the following practices:
♦ Reduction or elimination of erosion and sediment
loading to waterways during construction
♦ Control of the impacts of stormwater runoff on
the water quality of the receiving waters
♦ Control of the increased volume and peak rate of
runoff during and after construction
♦ Maintenance of stormwater controls during and
after completion of construction
Stormwater Impacts from the
Construction Industry
The construction industry is a critical participant in the
nation’s efforts to protect streams, rivers, lakes,
wetlands and oceans. Through the use of proper
erosion and sediment control and stormwater
management practices, construction site operators
are the key defenders against stormwater impacts.
Construction and development increase the amount of
impervious surfaces in our watersheds, thus
increasing runoff to waterways. The additional runoff
results in increased erosion and sedimentation, and
destroys aquatic habitat. Preventing soil erosion and
sedimentation is an important responsibility at all
construction sites.
In addition to the environmental impacts, uncontrolled
erosion can have a significant financial impact on a
construction project. It costs money and time to
repair gullies, replace vegetation, clean sediment-
clogged storm drains, replace poorly installed
practices and mitigate damage to other people’s
property or to natural resources.
Rain could easily
wash this loose
soil into the
storm sewer and
into a nearby
stream, causing
a water quality
violation that
could cost the
site operator up
to $37,500 each
day it occurs.
* Consult Appendix B of the General Permit for a
complete listing of SWPPP requirements by project type
** Check the MS4 Stormwater General Permit for
maps of regulated MS4 boundaries, TMDL watersheds
and impaired waterbody listings
SWPPP and General Permit Sequence
If your project will disturb or impact 1 or more acres of
land and you are constructing a commercial, industrial
or institutional building, apartments, duplexes, a
roadway, a single-family residential development with
more than 25% impervious surfaces, a single-family
development impacting 5 or more acres of land
(including home construction); creating recreation areas,
fill areas or linear utilities disturbing 5 acres or more*:
Develop a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
(SWPPP) with stormwater management practices in
conformance with the New York State Stormwater
Management Design Manual and erosion and
sediment controls in accordance with the New York
State Standards and Specifications for Erosion and
Sediment Control
If your construction project is single-family residential
with 25% or less impervious cover, a linear utility,
recreation fields or fill area, and will impact between 1
and 5 acres of land (and the site is not
located in a
TMDL Watershed, or directly discharging to an
impaired 303(d) waterbody**):
Develop a SWPPP with erosion and sediment controls in
accordance with the New York State Standards and
Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control
► If your project is located within a regulated MS4**
1. Submit the SWPPP and Notice of Intent (NOI) to the
for review and acceptance
2. Submit the NOI and signed MS4 SWPPP
Acceptance form to DEC in Albany
3. Begin construction 5 business days after
notification from DEC of acceptance of NOI
► If your project is not located within a regulated MS4**
1. Submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to the DEC in Albany
2. Begin construction 5 business days after
notification from DEC of acceptance of NOI
However… If the SWPPP deviates from the DEC technical
design standards:
1. Submit a NOI to the DEC in Albany
2. Submit SWPPP to DEC Regional Office for review
and acceptance prior to beginning construction
When all construction has been completed and the
site has been stabilized and fully vegetated:
► File a Notice of Termination (NOT) with the DEC
Stormwater retention ponds provide effective water
quality control by using forebays for sediment settling,
and have controlled-discharge outlets for flood control.
Important Terms
Owner/Operator: The person or legal entity which owns or
leases the property where construction will occur.
Qualified Professionals: Professional Engineers,
Landscape Architects and Certified Professionals in
Erosion and Sediment Control are qualified to develop
and certify SWPPPs and inspect construction sites.
TMDL and 303(d) Waterbodies: Section 303(d) of the
Clean Water Act requires states to identify Impaired
Waters where specific designated uses are not fully
supported. In order to restore and protect these
Impaired Waters, Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) or
other strategies have been developed to reduce the input
of pollutants that restrict waterbody uses.
Basic Components of a Stormwater
Pollution Prevention Plan
♦ Narrative Report describing pre-development
conditions and details of the planned project
♦ Maps illustrating site location, topography, drainage
area, existing and proposed structures, erosion and
sediment control and stormwater control measures
♦ Erosion and Sediment Control Plans
♦ Water Quality and Water Quantity Control Plans
♦ Construction Sequence Schedule
♦ Contractor Certification Statements
♦ Operations and Maintenance Schedule
♦ Weekly Inspection Reports
* For a complete description of required SWPPP
components please refer to the SPDES General Permit
for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity.