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Noncustodial Parent’s Form (International)
202223 Academic Year
NOTE: Convert all currency to U.S. dollars
Undergraduate Financial Aid
Box 591, 330 Alexander St.
Princeton, NJ 085420591
T 609.258.3330
F 609.258.0336
E pfaa@princeton.edu
finaid.princeton.edu List currency exchange rate used _________
Student Information
Name: ____________________________________________________________________ DOB: ________________
Application ID Number: ______________________________________________________
Instructions: This form should be completed by the noncustodial parent of the student l isted above as part of the
Princeton Financial Aid Application. It is Princeton's policy to require both parents to contribute to college costs to the
extent they are able. Determination of need for financial aid will be based on an evaluation of information from both
parents. Documentation of the noncustodial parent's income is also required. Please attach the 2020 tax return or
equivalent for nonfilers to this form or submit separately as soon as it is available.
Noncustodial Parent Information
Mother Father
First Last
Area Code/Number
Year of separation:
Annual child support paid: $
Province Postal Code
Year of divorce:
Year support ends:
# Years
Household Information
Family Size: Number of people in the noncustodial parent's household,
including spouse and other dependents. Do not include the student applicant.
Number of children (excluding the applicant) who will be enrolled at least
halftime in 202223 as an undergraduate or graduate student.
Number of parents who will be attending college halftime or more
in 202223.
Private elementary and secondary school tuition paid by parent
in 202122. Do not include amount paid for the applicant.
For how many students?
How much do you plan to contribute toward
the applicant’s 202223 college expenses?
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If remarried, please exclude spouse’s income, taxes, and assets when completing the following section.
Parent’s Earnings
Income from family business
Income from family real estate holdings
Income from pensions, annuities,
or retirement funds
Interest or dividend income
All other income not included above
Total Income
Government taxes paid on income
Parent’s Expenses
Medical and dental expenses
not reimbursed by insurance
Parent’s Income 2020 2021 (Estimated)
Child support paid by parent
this form to another household
Parents’ repayment of educational loans
(for their own or a child's school costs)
Other special expenses (explain below)
Parent’s Assets
Cash, savings, and checking accounts
Investments (stocks, bonds, money market funds,
trusts, CDs, etc.).
Retirement savings not included in amounts listed above
Business or farm market value
Business or farm debt
Other real estate market value (do not include
primary home)
Amount owed on this real estate
Do you own your own home? Yes No
If yes, the current value of home
If yes, amount currently owed
Annual mortgage or rent payments
on primary residence (include real estate tax)
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Household Member List
Please give the following information about all family members in the noncustodial parent's household for 202122 even if they
are not in school. Continue under "Other information" below if you need more space.
Name Age Relationship
to applicant
School or
College Name
Year in school Full or part
# of
Tuition, Room
& Board
Amount paid
by parents
Also give the same information anticipated for 202223.
Name Age Relationship
to applicant
School or
College Name
Year in school Full or part
# of
Tuition, Room
& Board
Amount paid
by parents
Other Information
Please use this space to provide us with additional information you think is relevant to your financial circumstances. Attach a separate
sheet if necessary. If, after completing this form, significant changes occur, please send the information directly to Princeton's
Undergraduate Financial Aid Office.
All members of the University community are expected to be honest and straightforward in their official dealings with University processes,
activities, and personnel. This obligation includes honoring contracts and agreements and providing accurate information on official forms and
documents as well as to official University personnel, offices, and committees. Deliberate violations of this provision will be considered serious
offenses; subsequent violations, or systematic violations in the first instance, will be considered extremely serious. (1.1.5 Honesty and Cooperation
in University Matters, Rights, Rules, Responsibilities, 2021 edition)
I certify that the information contained within this document and all enclosures is complete and accurate at the time of submission. I understand
that this information will be used solely for the purpose of a preliminary financial aid review.
Noncustodial Parent Signature: __________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Rev. Sept. 13, 21