7. Did your non‐custodial parent pay child support in 2020?
☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, indicate total amount paid for you
and sibling(s): $___________________________________________
Please indicate if the child support was: ☐ Voluntary ☐ Court‐ordered ☐ Garnished Wages
8. Has your non‐custodial parent paid child support in 2021?
☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, indicate total amount paid for
you and sibling(s): $___________________________________________
For how many months? ______________________________________________________________
If no, indicate last year child support was paid: ___________________________________________________
Has your non‐custodi
al parent provided financial support, ot
her than court‐ordered child support, in the last twelve
months (such as private school, medical or dental bills)? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, indicate the total amount of support provided:
$ ____________________________________________
Are you covered under any insurance plans
(e.g. health insurance) by your non‐custodial parent? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, what type of insurance? ________________________________________________________________
Are there any legal orders limiting your non‐custodial parent’s contact with you? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, please explain and attach documentation to this form.
All members of the University community are expected to be honest and straightforward in their official dealings with
University processes, activities, and personnel. This obligation includes honoring contracts and agreements and providing
accurate information on official forms and documents as well as to official University personnel, offices, and committees.
Deliberate violations of this provision will be considered serious offenses; subsequent violations, or systematic violations
in the first instance, will be considered extremely serious. (1.1.5 Honesty and Cooperation in University Matters, Rights,
Rules, Responsibilities, 2021
I certify that the information contained within this document and all enclosures is complete and accurate. I understand
that misrepresentation or falsification on this and any financial aid document will result in penalties to be determined by
Princeton University.
Custodial Parent Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Student signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Rev. Sept. 13, 21