As a member of Advertising Council Australia, please notify the ACA in writing as soon as reasonably possible of any
significant change to any information provided or any other information which would affect your eligibility for membership.
In signing the form, the member agrees to complete the ACA accreditation questionnaire as part of the membership
process. The member agrees that on joining Advertising Council Australia it will be bound by the Code of Ethics, Data
Collection Statement, Privacy Policy and all other rules and regulations enforced by Advertising Council Australia.
Advertising Council Australia (ACA) promises and undertakes to the member as an ongoing separate promise and
undertaking that ACA will not use the confidential information provided in this form for any purpose other than calculating
the membership fee. ACA will not disclose the confidential information to any other person or permit any other person to
have access to this information.
Please return this completed form by email to
Call the Advertising Council Australia Membership support team on 02 8297 3800 or email