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2022-2023 Garay Family Award for Indigneous Students in Science Application
Awarded to an outstanding Indigenous student in demonstrated financial need who is entering a full-
time undergraduate degree program in Science at Carleton University. This award may be continued
for 3 subsequent years of full-time enrolment provided the recipient remains in good academic
standing and continues to demonstrate financial need. Endowed in 2021 by the Garay family.
This entrance award is valued at $4000 for the 2022-2023 academic year.
Application Deadline: June 1, 2022
Successful candidate will be notified by June 30
, 2022
General Eligibility Criteria
• Indigenous student entering the first year of full-time study at Carleton University
• Applied and admitted to an undergraduate degree program in Science
• Entering full-time study this fall
• Demonstrate financial need
• Demonstrated diligence through academic work
• This award is renewable over the first four years of undergraduate study provided the recipient
continues in a Science program, maintains full time enrolment, remains in good academic
standing and continues to demonstrate financial need.
• If the award is lost in one year, it cannot be regained in a subsequent year
1. This is a fillable form. Please complete and submit this application to the Awards Office (if the
deadline date lands on a weekend, application must be submitted the first working day after the
deadline date).
2. Students should not include any additional attachments (e.g.resumes, portfolios, photos,
certificates, etc.).
3. Incomplete applications will not be considered
4. Submit by June 1 to:
Awards Office Fax: 613-520-3560
Carleton University email: awards@carleton.ca
SECTION 1: Personal Information
Last Name
First Name(s)
Home Address: Unit, # and Street