SBT_Application (USA) 2 Revised 13/01/2020
Programs of Study
Mark the program of study for which you are applying. (Choose only one)
Not enrolling in a program (completing GU courses to transfer to another school)
Undeclared / Enrichment (not pursuing a certicate, diploma, or degree; enrolling in courses for enrichment purposes)
Undeclared / Undecided (will choose a program of study before completing 18 credits)
Undeclared—Concurrent / Dual-Enrolled High School Student (complete U-18 student application form)
Certicates Credits
Bible Interpreter Certicate 15
Christian Communicator Certicate 15
Christian Mission Certicate 15
General Studies Certificate 15
Certificate in Pastoral Counseling 18
Certificate in Bible and Theology 30
Associate of Arts Degrees Credits
Associate of Arts in Bible and Theology 60
Associate of Arts in Christian Education 60
Associate of Arts in Church Ministries 60
Diplomas Credits
Diploma in Ministry 60
Diploma in Bible and Theology 90
Specialized Degree for Non-USA Students
Program Name
Bachelor of Arts Degrees Credits
Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Theology 120
With minor*
Without minor
Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education 120
With minor*
Without minor
Bachelor of Arts in Intercultural Studies 120
With minor*
Without minor
*The 15-credit Pastoral Counseling minor may count as part of
the program’s elective credits. Students who earned the Pastoral
Counseling Certicate are not eligible for the minor program.
Second Bachelor of Arts Degrees Credits
Second Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Theology** 55
Second Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education** 55
Second Bachelor of Arts in Intercultural Studies** 55
**In order to qualify for enrollment you must request an ofcial transcript
from the university that awarded your rst bachelor’s degree.
How did you hear about Global University? ________________________________________________________________________
I agree to the regulations governing the study program set
forth by the Global University catalog in effect during the
year in which I am applying.
I understand I must maintain a GPA of 2.00 in order to
be permitted to continue my undergraduate studies and
complete my study program.
I understand it is my responsibility to verify the applicability
of Global University’s credits toward my educational goals
and completion of this study program does not guarantee my
acceptance for any position by any church or organization.
I understand I am responsible for all shipping / duty fees for
materials shipped if I reside outside the USA.
I understand the application / reactivation fee (refer to fee
schedule) is non-refundable ve business days after this
form is received by Global University.
________ / _________ / _________
Print Full Name: ______________________________________
Applicant’s Signature
Parental / Guardian Signature (for applicants under 18 years)
Payment Method ($50)
Check Enclosed Check Number: ________________________________________
Please bill my credit card: Visa MasterCard Discover
(if paying by credit card, please fax or mail form; do not email credit card information):
Credit Card Number: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Name as it appears on card: ________________________________________________ Expiration Date: _____________________
________ / _________ / _________
I recommend this student for the program he or she has indicated.
Global University Registrar’s Signature:
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