2021 Parking Permit Application - PREMIUM
The City of Edina owns and operates parking facilities at 50
and France for shared use by customers
and employees. Parking permits are available for employees of businesses located in the Edina portion
of 50
and France who choose to park in the City-owned facilities. A permit allows an employee to
park in portions of the North and South Ramps in excess of the posted time limits. Parking stalls are
available on a first-come-first-served basis. Issuance of a parking permit does not guarantee or reserve a space.
1) A separate form must be filled out for each employee requesting a Premium permit.
2) Form MUST be filled out completely and mailed to City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street, Edina, MN 55424
3) Include full payment. Make checks payable to “City of Edina”.
Preferred Location: (choose one) Second Permit: $10 plus tax
South Ramp North Ramp $10.75 (includes tax)
Premium Permit: $300 per year plus 7.525% MN tax; pro-rated at $25 per month plus tax after February 1.
$322.58 annually (
includes tax) $___________ for _____ months
2nd License Plate No. Second Vehicle Make & Model - optional
Name of Edina Business where Currently Employed
It is illegal to provide false information on this form.
E MINNESOTA DATA PRACTICES ACT requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form.
Private data is available to you, but not to the public. Under M.S. 13.37 Subd.1.(d), residence address, home and work telephone numbers,
work hours, place of employment and location of parking space are nonpublic data. We are requesting this data to provide you with a parking
permit. You may choose to not provide some or all of the requested data; however, this may cause your request to not be processed. Any
information you provide will be made accessible to the following: persons or entities, employees, agents, city attorneys, and officials of the City
who have a need to know about the information in the course of their duties or responsibilities. Your acceptance her indicates that you have
read and understand these rights. Please be advised that your name, the make, and model of your vehicle is considered public information and
will be provided if requested.
y submitting this application and accepting this parking permit, I agree to abide by City rules and regulations associated with municipal parking
facilities. I understand that violations may result in my vehicle being ticketed or towed or may result in forfeiture of this permit.
To be Completed by City Staff Only
Amount Received & Payment Method