Application Instructions
APPLICANT - Read this application very carefully first before answering any questions. Provide complete
answers to each question as indicated on this page, section by section listed below. Punctuation, grammar, and
sentence structure will be considered and may impact your final score. It is highly suggested you have your
application screened and reviewed by a third party you trust before submitting to your department leadership
and national. Do not leave anything blank. If a question does not apply to you or you have no answer, enter
“N/A.” This will ensure a question was not missed and you are not penalized for unanswered questions. All
applications must be submitted to your department leadership. Applications received at national without first
going through your department will be returned.
Section I – Applicant Contact Information
• Fill the contact section out completely.
Section II – Military and American Legion Service (25% of total score)
A. Service era – if multiple eras, select most recent.
B. Branch of Service – if multiple, select only one.
C. Provide post number, department, and membership ID. Must be a continuous member in good
standing for at least three (3) years.
D. Indicate the date you completed the online American Legion Education Institute “BASIC TRAINING”
course and include your certificate of completion. ALEI certificate will not be accepted.
E. List the highest elected or appointed position you have held and currently hold.
• In 250 words or less, tell us - What was your most significant accomplishment while serving in one
of those positions and what did you do or would have done differently? If more space is needed,
use blank pages provided at the end of the application.
Section III – Education and Career Information (20% of total score)
A. Check the highest level completed and indicate your field of study.
B. Professional background – Describe your current job and how long you have held that position. If
unemployed or retired, describe the last position held.
C. Describe a notable leadership experience you encountered.
D. Other volunteer groups – List your affiliations and level(s) of involvement.
Section IV – Essay (45% of total score)
• Must be typed into the space provided in the fillable PDF application.
Explain why you should be selected to attend National American Legion College. Furthermore, explain
what you hope to gain by attending the college, how you would apply the knowledge obtained, and
what your department will gain from your attendance. This is an opportunity for you to present yourself
and outline how you intend to be a valuable, intricate member of your department.
Section V – Accommodations and Travel Information/Sign Application
A. Lodging & travel during NALC session will be arranged and paid for by national headquarters. Air travel
can be arranged directly with the national headquarter’s travel division.
B. Sign and date the application. An application missing any signatures will be automatically returned.
Section VI – Department Recommendation (10% of total score)
A. Validate why the attendance of this Legionnaire is worth the investment made by your department and
national headquarters.
B. Assess where the candidate could potentially be functioning in your department in the next five years.
C. Interview candidate, aware of the purpose of attending NALC, and understands the expectation upon
completing NALC.
Department adjutant, commander, or appropriate department designee must sign the application before
submitting it to national. Missing signatures on the application will automatically be returned.