Contractor’s/Retailer’s Name Contact Person Phone Number (with area code)
Installer’s Name (write SELF if customer installed)
Type of Appliance/Equipment Installed
Contractor’s/Retailer’s Name Contact Person Phone Number (with area code)
Installer’s Name (write SELF if customer installed)
Type of Appliance/Equipment Installed
o 1. Read the following terms and conditions to determine if you are eligible for a rebate:
• Only one service address per application.
Rebates are intended for customers, not contractors or builders.
• LED bulbs, LED light fixtures, and ceiling fans with LED lighting must be ENERGY STAR
certified to qualify for a rebate.
• The Utility reserves the right to reject any rebate application submitted as a result of work performed by a contractor who
has failed to adhere to the terms and conditions established for the rebate program.
• The Utility reserves the right to apply rebates to past due accounts. Rebates $75 and under will be applied to your
account. Rebate cannot be combined with any other offer. Rebate cannot exceed the price of the bulb, package, or fixture.
• Recipient must be an electric customer Austin Utilities, Owatonna Public Utilities, or Rochester Public Utilities.
• Due to limited funding, this rebate offer can be withdrawn at any time without notice. Applications will be processed on
a first-come, first-served basis. All applications from this year’s purchases (2021) must be received by March 31, 2022.
o 2. Purchase ENERGY STAR
certified LED bulbs, LED light fixtures, and ceiling fans with LED lighting.
o 3. Complete the information on the inside of this rebate booklet, making sure to fill out all sections in detail. Allow 6-8 weeks
for processing. Missing or incorrect information will increase the processing time.
o 4. Include your original sales receipt and portion of the packaging showing the ENERGY STAR
logo, manufacturer, model
number, bulb wattage, and number of bulbs or fixtures. Only one package per each type of bulb and fixture are needed.
o 5. Sign the application (required to receive rebate).
o 6.
Information contained in this rebate application may be shared with the Minnesota Department of Commerce and our co-op partners.
o 7. Mail completed forms and required documentation to your utility provider:
Austin Utilities Owatonna Public Utilities Rochester Public Utilities
Attn: Rebate Processing Attn: Rebate Processing Attn: Rebate Processing
1908 14th St NE PO Box 800 4000 E River Rd NE
Austin, MN 55912-4904 Owatonna, MN 55060-0800 Rochester, MN 55906-2813
507-433-8886 507-451-2480 507-280-1500
www.austinutilities.com www.owatonnautilities.com www.rpu.org
or email: rebates@austinutilities.com or email: rebates@owatonnautilities.com or email: rebates@rpu.org
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When purchasing any type of appliance or equipment, look for the ENERGY STAR
Most Efficient logos!