Group Name: (if applicable):
Phone: Email:
Artistic Discipline: (e.g. visual arts, dance, theatre, poetry, spoken word, storytelling, community-engaged art,
or other arts/cultural practice)
Proposed Activity: (describe briefly what you would like to do and possible month/dates/timing)
Location Requirements (Activities will be matched with suitable Saanich Parks locations. Are there
any features or amenities needed to carry out your activity?):
Brief artistic biography: (e.g. recent performances, projects, publications, exhibits etc.)
Website or social media links to your work:
Honorarium Range: (range: voluntary up to $500). Funding to support small honoraria is limited.
Please Note: Arts in the Community Applications will be reviewed as received. Staff will be in contact with
successful proposal applicants to complete the confirmation and scheduling process.
Sign up for the Saanich Artists Updates List to receive updates on arts and culture opportunities, initiatives and
events for artists and cultural groups! www.saanich.ca/arts
Send completed form to: Brenda Weatherston, Community Arts Programmer, Community Services
Email: brenda.weatherston@saanich.ca Fax: (250) 475-5411 Address: Recreation Administration Annex, 780 Vernon Ave.
Victoria, BC V8X 2W7 (adjacent to Saanich Municipal Hall)
This collection of personal information is authorized under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of
Privacy Act (FIPPA). The information will be used for administrative and operational purposes. Questions regarding the
collection of personal information can be directed to the District's Privacy Officer at: 770 Vernon Avenue, Victoria BC,
V8X 2W7, t. 250-475-1775, e. foi@saanich.ca
Additional Information on your Proposed Activity or Questions: