2021 Bella Italia “Virtual” Event
Sponsoring Partner Form
Company Name: __________________________________________________
Primary Contact Name: _____________________________________________
Mailing Address: __________________________________________________
City: _____________________ State: ____________________ Zip: ___________
Physical Address, if different from above: _______________________________
City: _____________________ State: ____________________ Zip: ___________
Phone: (______) _______-_____________ Email: _______________________________
Please email a high-resolution copy of your business logo as you would like it to appear in materials associated with this event to
. Acceptable file formats are: .jpeg, .png, .eps
Platio Partner $5,000 +
Naming rights to virtual event… “Bella Italia Presented by [YOUR NAME HERE]”
Featured article in our newsletter (January 2021) and press release featuring you as a title sponsor
Named as a title sponsor in virtual event program
Social media mentions and tags on all event-related promotions
Listed in press releases and promotional material related to the event
Oro Partner $2,500
Named as a sponsor in virtual event program
Social media mentions and tags in event-related promotions
Listed in press releases and promotional material related to the event
Argento Partner $1,000
Named as a sponsor in virtual event program
Social media mentions and tags in event-related promotions
Listed in promotional material related to the event
Bronzo Partner $500
Named as a sponsor in virtual event program
Social media mentions and tags in event-related promotions
Amica Partner $250
Named as a sponsor in virtual event program
Select Your Gift Amount
I would like to donate $ __________ to help the BCC Foundation reach their fundraising goal of $40,000!
To become a sponsoring partner, please complete and mail this form to Attn: Elizabeth Wassum at the address below by
January 31, 2021 or send a completed PDF copy to wassume@brunswickcc.edu
. Donations may be made by check, credit
card (please call Kristy at 910-755-7473) or online by visiting www.brunswickcc.edu/foundation/giving.
Thank you for your support allowing us to make an impact on the lives of our students and campus community!
| PO Box 30 | Supply, North Carolina 28462 | 910.755.7473 | www.brunswickcc.edu