Single Family Multi-Family/Twin Home Town Home Condo Manufactured Home
Specify the square footage of the project only:
Dimensions: x = sq. ft. Crawl Spaces
x = sq. ft. Basement
x = sq. ft. 1
x = sq. ft. 2
x = sq. ft. 3
Garage / Shed: x ■■■► Attached Detached Tuck under
Check Appropriate Box if Project is exempt for Lead Certification:
The applicant is not a Minnesota licensed residential Contractor, residential remodeler or roofer.
The building was constructed after 1978.
The structure is not residential housing or a child occupied facility.
The renovation will not disrupt 6 sq. ft or more of painted surface per room for interior activities, or 20 sq. ft or more of
painted surface for exterior activities and does not involve windows.
Other (Please explain) _____________________________________________________________________________
I hereby certify that the above information is correct and agree to comply with Burnsville Ordinances and State of Minnesota laws
regulating building Construction.
Any construction for which a building permit has been issued for exterior work shall be completed and
ready for occupancy according to the approved plans and specifications within one hundred eighty (180)
days following issuance of said permit, unless within that time an extension is granted by the building
official. (Ord. 1395, 8-16-2016
Signature Owner Contractor
100 Civic Center Parkway (952) 895-4444
Burnsville, MN 55337-3817 FAX: (952) 895-4512
Email: permits@burnsvillemn.gov
click to sign
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