2021-2022 Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Verification Letter
For the Purpose of Federal Financial Aid
Name of Student: ____________________________
GCU Student Number:
DOB: ______________________
As per the College Cost Reduction and Access Act (Public Law 110-84), I am authorized to verify this student’s living situation.
No further verification by the Financial Aid Administrator is necessary. Should you have additional questions or need more
information about this student, please contact me at the number listed below.
This letter is to confirm that was:
(Name of Student)
Check one:
An unaccompanied homeless youth after July 1, 2020
This means that, after July 1, 2020, was living in a homeless situation, as defined
by Section 725 of t
he McKinney-Vento Act, and was not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian.
An unaccompanied, self-supporting youth at risk of homelessness after July 1, 2020
This means that, after July 1, 2020, was not in the physical custody of a parent or
guardian, provides for his own living expenses entirely on his own, and is at risk of losing his housing.
I am providing this letter of verification as (check one): Please list name, phone number, and other contact information.
A McKinney-Vento School District Liaison:
Print Name: ____________________________
Phone Number: ____________________________
Address: ____________________________
A Director or Designee of a HUD-funded shelter:
Print Name:
Phone Number:
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A Director of Designee of a RHYA-funded shelter:
Print Name: ____________________________
Phone Number: ____________________________
Address: ____________________________
By signing this document, you are certifying that the information provided regarding the student is true, complete and accurate to
the best of your knowledge. You understand that any false statements or misrepresentations may cause a fine or imprisonment
or both, under the provisions of the United States Criminal Code.
Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
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