• Workers’ Compensation, Short Term and Long Term Disability: Benefit award notice, copies of workers’ compensation or disability
checks, workers’ compensation records, or attorney’s records.
• Unemployment Compensation: EAP may verify this income for you.
• Self-Employed, Farm, and Rental Income: The first 2 pages of your most recent IRS-1040 tax return and Schedule 1. If you did not
file taxes, call your Service Provider and ask for a Self-Employment Form.
• Interest, Dividends: Bank statements, IRS-1099, or IRS-1040.
• Retirement Income including IRA income: Benefit checks/stubs, bank statements or award letter.
• Pensions and Annuities: Benefit checks/stubs, bank statements or award letter.
• Tribal Per Capita, Bonus, or Judgment Payments: Benefit checks/stubs, bank statements or award letter.
• No Income: If your household has no income and no one is self-employed, call your Service Provider.
**Please send copies of your income proof. Originals will not be returned**
What happens next?
• Your local Service Provider will review your application and contact you if they need additional information.
• If they have all the necessary information, your Service Provider will process the application as quickly as possible, and you will
receive a letter telling you if you can get help.
• If approved, we will pay your benefit to the companies listed on your application.
• If denied, we will tell you the reason and how you may reapply or appeal the decision.
Energy emergency help
The Energy Assistance Program may be able to help if you have an energy emergency. Contact your Service Provider if:
• You have a past due energy bill that you cannot pay
• Your heat or electric is shut off or will be shut-off
• You are unable to get a fuel delivery
• You own your home and your furnace is not working
Social Security Numbers (SSNs)
SSNs are required for all applicants unless you are applying as an eligible non-citizen (for example, a permanent resident, asylee, refugee,
etc.). If you do not provide valid social security numbers or immigration documents, we cannot process your application. If you are an eligible
non-citizen, you may be able to apply without an SSN. Contact your Service Provider to find out the required documents. If you or some
members of your household are ineligible non-citizens, your household may still get help if any household member is a citizen or eligible non-
citizen. Contact your Service Provider for details. The State will use SSNs in the administration of EAP to check identity, prevent duplicate
participation, and determine eligibility for public benefits. Your SSN will also be used to obtain wage and unemployment compensation
information from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), verify information you give us on the
application, and to prevent, detect, and correct fraud, waste, and abuse.
Non-Citizen Applicants
To get help from Minnesota Energy Programs, you must be a citizen or in the United States (US) legally. Energy Assistance benefits are not
counted in public charge determinations. You can apply and get help for eligible household members, even if you or some household
members are not eligible because of immigration status. Members of your household who are eligible non-citizens must show proof of their
immigration status. Give a copy of both sides of immigration cards or other documents that show immigration status for every household
member who is an eligible non-citizen. All household members, regardless of immigration or citizenship status, must provide their income
information, but only those who are citizens or eligible non-citizens will be counted as household members. Contact your Service Provider to
find out what is required for your situation. We do not share information about you with the US Citizenship and Immigration Services
(USCIS) without your permission.
Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Income Eligibility Guidelines
You may be eligible for the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) even if your household’s income is higher than the EAP limits. WAP
provides free home energy upgrades to income-eligible homeowners and renters to help save energy and make your home a healthy and
safe place to live. For information, visit https://mn.gov/commerce/consumers/consumer-assistance/weatherization
or call 1-800-657-3710
Cold Weather Rule Protection
If you use natural gas or electricity to heat your home or you need electricity to operate your thermostat or furnace fan, you may be eligible
for Cold Weather Rule protection between October 1 and April 30.
• The Cold Weather Rule helps protect your service from disconnection or can help you get your service reconnected.
• To get Cold Weather Rule protection, you MUST contact your energy companies and make and keep a payment plan. If you miss a
payment, you lose your protection and you could lose your heat.
• If you receive Energy Assistance, you pre-qualify for Cold Weather Rule protection. The Energy Assistance Program is not a payment
plan and will not replace what you need to pay.
• Your Service Provider can help you make a reasonable payment plan with your energy companies.