Grant Budget Worksheet
Operating Budget Summary
For the operating Budget Summary (section F., #4), the applicant will use their fi
scal year dates.
For the proposal budget, you will use the grant period of July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022
Previous Fiscal
Current Fiscal
Next Fiscal
1. Personnel: Administrative
2. Personnel: Programmatic
3. Personnel: Technical/Production
4. Outside Fees and Services: Programmatic
5. Outside Fees and Services: Other
6. Space Rental, Rent or Mortgage
7. Travel
8. Marketing
9. Remaining Operating Expenses
A. Total Cash Expenses
B. In-kind Contributions*
C. Total Operating Expenses (TOE)
Page 1
*See page 2 for instructions on calculating max allowable in-kind for the operating budget
In-kind can appear in both the proposal budget and the operating budget. To calculate the value of
volunteer services, use the federal minimum wage (see the Wage and Hour Division of the US
Department of Labor https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/minimum-wage)
If the volunteer is professionally skilled in the service provided (such as a photographer donating
photography services or a Certified Public Accountant providing a pro bono audit), use the wage
rate the individual is normally paid for the service.
The value of all professionally skilled services used as in-kind must be documented in writing by the
volunteer. The value of donated goods must also be documented. Records of such documentation
must be available upon request.