2800 S Lone Tree Rd
Flagstaff, AZ 86005-2701
PH: 928-226-4219
FAX: 928-226-4110
FA570-ATTND 20201215
(2021-2022 Academic Year)
The Office of Student Financial Aid is required to determine if the above student ever attended classes per procedure
Attendance in an in-person or hybrid class:
Physical presence of a student in the classroom where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor
and student.
Attendance in an online class:
Student engaging in academically related activity such as: taking a quiz, test or assessment; submitting an assignment;
contributing in a discussion; emailing the instructor regarding course-specific academically related content. The following
are not considered attendance in an online class: logging into the course to look at its contents; emailing the instructor
regarding matters that do not pertain to specific course content (such as student is sick, unable to attend, can’t log in,
can’t get the book, etc.).
Course #: CRN: Instructor:
Yes, this student attended my class at least once
No, this student never attended my class (not even once) and should be no-showed (NS)
Unsure. I do not know who this student is or have no records of if they ever attended my class
Comments (optional)
Instructor’s signature
Course #: CRN: Instructor:
Yes, this student attended my class at least once
No, this student never attended my class (not even once) and should be no-showed (NS)
Unsure. I do not know who this student is or have no records of if they ever attended my class
Comments (optional)
Instructor’s signature
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit