Student Name: ____________________________ WSCC ID: _____________ DOB: _____/_____/________
The Office of Financial Aid requires the following information to determine your eligibility for federal and
state grants due to conflicting information or incomplete answers on your Free Application for Federal
Student Aid (FAFSA). Please complete the section below and return to the Office of Financial Aid.
1) Will you have your first bachelor’s degree before July 1, 2020? Yes or No
(Please circle response)
If yes, please list the College/University and the date the degree was received.
2) Are you working on a two year Associate Degree? Yes or No
(Please circle response)
3) Are you working on a one year certificate (1 year or less)? Yes or No
(Please circle response)
Student Signature______________________________________ Date______________________
NOTE: Answering YES means you will not be working on a master’s or
doctorate program during the 2020-2021 academic year.