Addions to Income
1 Interest from municipal bonds of another state or its governmental units
included on line 2a of federal Form 1040 ....................................................... 1
2 Federallytax-exemptdividendsfrommutualfundsinvesnginbondsofanotherstate
or its governmental units included on line 2a of federal Form 1040 ................................. 2
3 Federalbonusdepreciaonaddion(determine from worksheet in the instrucons) .................. 3
4 Secon179Addion(see instrucons) ......................................................... 4
5 State taxes passed through to you (see instrucons) ............................................. 5
6 Expensesdeductedonyourfederalreturnaributabletoincomenottaxed
by Minnesota (other than interest or mutual fund dividends from U.S. bonds) .........................6
7 Foreign-derivedintangibleincomededuconundersecon(see instrucons) ........................ 7
8 Suspendedlossfrombonusdepreciaon(see instrucons and worksheets) .......................... 8
9 Capitalgainporonofalump-sumdistribuon(from line 6 of federal Form 4972; enclose Form 4972) ... 9
10 Netoperanglosscarryoveradjustment(see instrucons) ....................................... 10
11 Addionfromline7ofScheduleM1HOME(enclose Schedule M1HOME) ........................... 11
12 Acceleratedrecognionofnonresidentinstallmentsales(enclose Schedule M1AR) ................... 12
13 DistribuonsfromhighereducaonsavingsaccountsusedforK-12tuion(see instrucons) .......... 13
14 Thislineintenonallyleblank .............................................................. 14
15 Thislineintenonallyleblank .............................................................. 15
16 Addionfromline32ofScheduleM1NC ...................................................... 16
17 Addlines1through16.Enterthetotalhereandonline2ofFormM1 ............................. 17
Subtracons from Income
18 Net interest or mutual fund dividends from U.S. bonds (see instrucons) ........................... 18
19 EducaonexpensesyoupaidforyourqualifyingchildreningradesK–12(see instrucons)
Enter the name and grade of each child on the line below: ....................................... 19
20 IfyouarenotlingScheduleM1SA,andyourcharitablecontribuons
weremorethan$500,seeinstrucons........................................................ 20
21 Federalbonusdepreciaonsubtracon (see instrucons and worksheet) ........................... 21
22 Secon179ExpensingSubtracon(see instrucons) ............................................ 22
2020 Schedule M1M, Income Addions and Subtracons
YourFirstNameandInial YourLastName YourSocialSecurityNumber
23 Subtraconforpersonsage65orolder,orpermanentlyandtotallydisabled(enclose Schedule M1R) ... 23
24 RailroadRerementBoardbenets (see instrucons) .......................................... 24
25 IfyouarearesidentofMichiganorNorthDakotalingFormM1onlytoreceivearefundofallMinnesota
taxwithheld,entertheamountfromline1ofFormM1.Iftheamountiszeroorless,enter0 .......... 25
Place an X in one box to indicate the reciprocity state
of which you were a resident during 2020 .......................
Michigan NorthDakota
26 SubtraconofreservaonincomeforAmericanIndians(see instrucons) .......................... 26
27 FederalacvedutymilitarypayreceivedforservicesperformedwhileaMinnesota
resident,totheextenttheincomeisfederallytaxable.Ifyoureceivedamilitarypension,seeline32.... 27
28 Minnesota Naonal Guard members and reservists:Seeinstrucons ............................. 28
29 Residents of another state:Enteryourfederalacveservicemilitarypay,totheextenttheincome
isfederallytaxable.Ifyoureceivedamilitarypension,seeline32.................................. 29
30 OrganDonorSubtracon (see instrucons) ................................................... 30
31 Disallowedsecon280Eexpensesofmedicalcannabismanufacturers (see instrucons) .............. 31
32 Subtraconformilitarypensionsorothermilitaryrerementpay (see instrucons) .................. 32
33 Gain from the sale of farm property (see instrucons) ........................................... 33
34 Post-serviceeducaonawardsreceivedforserviceinanAmeriCorpsNaonalServiceprogram ........ 34
35 Netoperanglosscarryoveradjustment (see instrucons) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
36 Prioraddbackofreacquisionofindebtednessincome(see instrucons) ........................... 36
37 Subtraconforrailroadmaintenanceexpenses ................................................. 37
38 Subtraconforcontribuonstoaqualiededucaonsavingsplan(enclose Schedule M1529) .......... 38
39 SocialSecuritybenetsubtracon(determine from worksheet in instrucons) ....................... 39
40 Subtraconforinterestearnedfromadesignatedrst-mehomebuyersavingsaccount
(enclose Schedule M1HOME) ................................................................ 40
41 Subtraconfordischargeofindebtednessofeducaonalloans(see instrucons) .................... 41
42 Incomefromprior-yearpartnershipsale(seeinstrucons) (see instrucons)......................... 42
43 Deferredforeignincomerecognizedundersecon965oftheInternalRevenueCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
44 Global intangible low-taxed income included in gross income
undersecon951AoftheInternalRevenueCode............................................... 44
45 Subtraconfromline32ofScheduleM1NC.Enterasaposivenumber. ............................ 45
46 Thislineintenonallyleblank .............................................................. 46
47 Addlines18-46.Enterthetotalhereandonline7ofFormM1.................................... 47
You must include this schedule with your Form M1.
2020 M1M, page 2
2020 Schedule M1M Instrucons
You may have received these additions or subtractions as an individual, as a partner of a partnership, as a shareholder of an S corporation, or
as a beneciary of a trust. Amounts you received as a partner, shareholder, or beneciary will be reported on the Schedule KPI, KS, or KF
you received from the entity.
Line 1 — Interest From Municipal Bonds of Another State or its Governmental Units
Of the amount you included (or should have included) on line 2a of federal Form 1040, add the interest you received from municipal bonds
issued by:
A state other than Minnesota
A local government (such as a county or city) in a state other than Minnesota
Line 2 — Federally Tax-Exempt Dividends from Mutual Funds Invesng in Bonds of Another State
If you received federally tax-exempt interest dividends from a mutual fund, you may have to enter an amount on line 2. To determine the
amount, if any, use the following instructions:
If 95% or more of the federally tax-exempt dividends from a mutual fund came from bonds issued by Minnesota, include only the portion
of the federally tax-exempt dividend generated by non-Minnesota bonds.
If less than 95% of the federally tax-exempt interest dividends from a mutual fund came from bonds issued by Minnesota, include all of
the federally tax-exempt interest dividend from that fund.
Line 3 — Federal Bonus Depreciaon Addion
If you chose the special depreciation allowance for qualied property on federal Form 1040, complete the Worksheet for Line 3.
Line 4 - Secon 179 Addion
The Minnesota addition for federal Section 179 expensing does not apply to property placed in service in tax years beginning after December
31, 2019. Except for Qualied Depreciable Property, the addition for tax year 2020 may be required if a federal Section 179 deduction was
claimed for property placed in service during a tax year that began before January 1, 2020.
Qualied Depreciable Property is property received as part of a transaction that would have qualied as a like-kind exchange under Section
1031 of the Internal Revenue Code as amended through December 16, 2016 but not as amended through December 31, 2018.
Line 5 — State Income Taxes Passed Through to You as a Partner of a Partnership, a Shareholder of an S Corporaon,
or a Beneciary of a Trust
Enter the total of the amounts reported on line 2 of Schedules KS, KPI, and KF.
Worksheet for Line 3 — Bonus Depreciaon Modicaon
1 Add line 14 and line 25 of your federal Form 4562 .........................................................
2 Total bonus depreciation amounts passed to you as a partner or shareholder (line 5 of Schedule KPI or Schedule KS) ....
3 Add steps 1 and 2 ...................................................................................
4 Multiply step 3 by 80% (.80). ..........................................................................
5 Total of the 80% federal bonus depreciation addition passed through to you as a beneciary (from line 5 of Schedule KF).
6 Add steps 4 and 5. Enter the result here and on line 3 of Schedule M1M ........................................
If bonus depreciation included on step 1 or step 2 generated a loss in an activity that cannot be deducted in 2020 (e.g., a passive activity
loss or a loss in excess of basis), you may reduce step 1 or 2 by the amount of loss not allowed from the activity for 2020, up to the bonus
depreciation claimed by the activity. In a future year when the 2020 suspended loss is allowed, you must include the bonus depreciation as
an addition. The bonus depreciation is treated as the last suspended loss allowed.
Worksheet for Line 4 — Secon 179 Expensing Modicaon
1 Amount from line 12 of you federal Form 4562 ...........................................................
2 Amount from line 9 of you federal Form 4562 ............................................................
3 Subtract Step 2 from Step 1...........................................................................
4 Amount of Qualied Depreciable Property included on Step 3. Do not enter more than step 3 ......................
5 Subtract Step 4 from Step 3...........................................................................
6 If you are reporting income from a 2019 federal Schedule K-1 (1065), enter the dierence between the federal Sec. 179
reported on that Schedule K-1, and the amount on line 4 of the 2019 Schedule KPI or KS received from that entity. .....
7 Enter the amount of Qualied Depreciable Property included on Step 6. Do not enter more than the amount on Step 6 ...
8 Subtract Step 7 from Step 6...........................................................................
9 Add Step 5 and Step 8 ...............................................................................
10 Enter $25,000......................................................................................
11 Subtract Step 10 from Step 9..........................................................................
12 Multiply Step 11 by 80%. Enter this amount on Line 4 of Schedule M1M ......................................
Line 6 — Expenses Relang to Income Not Taxed by Minnesota, Other Than From U.S. Bond Obligaons
If you deducted expenses on your federal return connected with income not taxed by Minnesota (such as income reported on lines 24 through
29 of Schedule M1M), add those expenses to your taxable income.
Do not include expenses connected with interest or mutual fund dividends from U.S. bonds. For information on how to report these expenses,
see the instructions for line 18.
Line 7 — Foreign-Derived Intangible Income Deducon under secon 250 of the Internal Revenue Code
Include the amount of foreign-derived intangible income you deducted from net income under section 250 of the Internal Revenue Code for
the taxable year.
Line 8 — Suspended Loss From Bonus Depreciaon
Complete the Worksheet for Line 8 if both of the following apply:
You are claiming a suspended loss from 2001 through 2005 or 2008 through 2019 on your federal return generated by bonus depreciation.
You did not add back 80 percent of the bonus depreciation in those years.
Line 9 — Capital Gain Poron of a Lump-Sum Distribuon From a Qualied Rerement Plan
If you received a qualifying lump-sum distribution in 2020 and you chose the capital gain election on federal Form 4972, enter the capital
gain from line 6 of federal Form 4972. Include a copy of federal Form 4972 when you le your return.
Line 10 — Net Operang Loss (NOL) Carryover Adjustment
Minnesota did not adopt the provisions of the Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009 (WHBA). Under this Act, you
may carry back 3, 4, or 5 years of an NOL generated in 2008 or 2009. For federal purposes, any remaining NOL that was not fully absorbed
in the carryback years can be carried forward for up to 20 years, beginning in 2010. If you used any of that carryforward on your 2020 federal
return, add back that amount as a positive number on line 10.
Line 11 — First-Time Homebuyer Savings Account Addion
If you made a nonqualied withdrawal from a rst-time homebuyer savings account, you may be required to include those amounts in your
taxable income. Complete and include Schedule M1HOME, First-Time Homebuyer Savings Account, to determine your addition.
Line 12 — Accelerated Recognion of Nonresident Installment Sales
If you are required to report accelerated gains from an installment sale in 2020, complete and enclose Schedule M1AR, Accelerated Recogni-
tion of Installment Sale Gains.
Line 13 — Higher Educaon Savings Accounts Used for K-12 Tuion
If you paid K-12 tuition with a distribution from a higher education savings account, include the lesser of the total distributions from the ac-
count used to pay K-12 tuition or the total earnings reported on federal Form 1099-Q for the year.
Line 18 — Net Interest From U.S. Bonds
Include federally taxable interest you received from:
U.S. bonds, bills, notes, savings bonds, and certicates of indebtedness
Sallie Mae bonds
Dividends paid to you by mutual funds that are attributable to these bonds
U.S. Government interest and dividends you received as partner of a partnership, shareholder of an S corporation, or beneciary of a trust
Reduce these amounts by any related investment interest and other expenses deducted on your federal return relating to this income. Do not
include interest or dividends attributable to Ginnie Mae, Fannie Mae, or Freddie Mac bonds. See Income T
ax Fact Sheet 13, U.S. Government
Interest, if you received interest from a government source not listed.
Line 19 — K-12 Educaon Expense Subtracon
If you purchased qualifying educational materials or services in 2020 for your qualifying child’s K–12 education, you may be able to reduce
your taxable income.
If you qualify for the K-12 Education Credit, complete Schedule M1ED before entering an amount on this line (see instructions for line 3
of Schedule M1REF, Refundable Credits). For this subtraction, you may use qualifying expenses you did not use for the credit and tuition
expenses which do not qualify for the credit. You may not claim both the credit and a subtraction for the same expenses. Complete the Work-
sheet for Line 19 if you entered an amount on line 18 of Schedule M1ED.
Worksheet for Line 8
1 Bonus depreciation from 2001 through 2005 or 2008 through 2019 that was not added back on your Form M1 ........
2 Total suspended loss from activity remaining after 2019 ...................................................
3 Subtract step 2 from step 1 (if a negative amount, enter zero) ...............................................
4 Multiply step 3 by 80% (.80) ........................................................................
5 Total of the 80% bonus depreciation addition passed through to you as a beneciary (from line 4 of Schedule KF) .....
6 Add steps 4 and 5. Enter here
and on Schedule M1M, line 8 ....................................................
To subtract your education expenses, the child must:
Be your child, adopted child, stepchild, grandchild, or foster child who lived with you in the United States for more than half of the year.
Have been in grades K–12 during 2020.
Have attended a public, private, or home school in Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, or Wisconsin.
Not be claimed as a qualifying child on another individual’s return.
In addition to the above requirements, you must have purchased educational services or required materials during the year to help your
child’s K–12 education. Education expenses that qualify for the credit also qualify for the subtraction. However, certain expenses qualify only
for the subtraction. For examples of qualifying education expenses, see the Form M1 instructions.
Subtracon Limits
The maximum subtraction allowed for purchases of personal computer hardware and educational software is $200 per family.
You may split
qualifying computer expenses, up to $200, among your children any way you choose. The maximum amount of education expenses you can
subtract is $1,625 for each child in grades K through 6, and $2,500 for each child in grades 7 through 12.
If you qualify for the K–12 Education Credit (Schedule M1REF, line 3) and you cannot use all of your education expenses on Schedule
M1ED, complete the Worksheet for Line 19. See Income Tax Fact Sheet 8, K–12 Education Subtraction and Credit, for more information.
Enter your qualifying education expenses on line 19. Also, enter each child’s name and grade at the time the expenses were paid.
Worksheet for Line 20
To determine your allowable contributions, you will need the instructions for Schedule M1SA.
1 Determine total allowable charitable contributions you would have been able to enter on lines 15 and 16 of Schedule M1SA ...
2 The rst $500 of contributions do not qualify .................................................................
3 Subtract step 2 from step 1 ................................................................................
4 Multiply step 3 by 50% (.50). Enter here and on line 20 of Schedule M1M .............................................
Worksheet for Line 19
If you qualify for the K–12 Education Credit and you cannot use all of your education expenses on Schedule M1ED,
determine line 19 of Schedule M1M by completing the following steps:
1 Qualifying tuition expenses ............................................................................
2 Qualifying computer expenses in excess of $200, up to a maximum of $200 .....................................
Complete steps 3–6 if on Schedule M1ED line 17 is less than line 16.
3 Line 15 of Schedule M1ED ...........................................................................
4 Line 18 of Schedule M1ED ...........................................................................
5 Multiply step 4 by 1.333 ..............................................................................
6 Subtract step 5 from step 3 ............................................................................
7 Add steps 1, 2, and 6 .................................................................................
Enter the result from step 7—up to the maximum subtraction amount per child—on line 19 of Schedule M1M.
Line 20 — Charitable Contribuons over $500
You may subtract some of your contributions made during the year if both of the following are true:
You did not le Schedule M1SA, Minnesota Itemized Deductions.
You made charitable contributions of more than $500.
To determine your allowable contributions, see the instructions for Schedule M1SA, and use the Worksheet for Line 20.
Line 21 — Federal Bonus Depreciaon Subtracon
You may be eligible to reduce your taxable income if either of the following are true:
You reported 80 percent of the federal bonus depreciation as an addition to income on your 2014 through 2019 Form M1.
You received a federal bonus depreciation subtraction in 2020 from an estate or trust.
Complete the Worksheet for Line 21 to determine the amount to enter.
Note: The 2019 Schedule M1M, Income Additions and Subtractions was updated on August 15, 2020. If your Form M1 was completed with a
2019 Schedule M1M from before the update, you may need to recalculate your bonus depreciation addition using an updated schedule in order
to determine the allowable subtraction for 2020.
Worksheet for Line 21
If you claimed bonus depreciaon as an addion on your 2015 Form M1:
1 Line 5 of your 2015 Schedule M1M ......................................................................
2 Net operating loss generated for tax year 2015 (line 25, Schedule A of 2015 federal Form 1045). Enter as a positive number
3 Subtract step 2 from step 1 .............................................................................
4 Multiply step 3 by 20% (.20) ...........................................................................
If you claimed bonus depreciaon as an addion on your 2016 Form M1:
5 Line 5 of your 2016 Schedule M1M .......................................................................
6 Net operating loss generated for tax year 2016 (line 25, Schedule A of 2016 federal Form 1045). Enter as a positive number ..
7 Subtract step 6 from step 5 ..............................................................................
8 Multiply step 7 by 20% (.20) ............................................................................
If you claimed bonus depreciaon as an addion on your 2017 Form M1:
9 Line 5 of your 2017 Schedule M1M ....................................................................
10 Net operating loss generated for tax year 2017 (line 25, Schedule A of 2017 federal Form 1045). Enter as a positive number
11 Subtract step 10 from step 9 ...........................................................................
12 Multiply step 11 by 20% (.20) .........................................................................
If you claimed bonus depreciaon as an addion on your 2018 Form M1:
13 Line 5 of your 2018 Schedule M1M ....................................................................
14 Net operating loss generated for tax year 2018 (line 25, Schedule A of 2018 federal Form 1045). Enter as a positive number
15 Subtract step 14 from step 13 ..........................................................................
16 Multiply step 15 by 20% (.20) .........................................................................
If you claimed bonus depreciaon as an addion on your 2019 Form M1:
17 Line 3 of your 2019 Schedule M1M .....................................................................
18 Net operating loss generated for tax year 2019 (line 25, Schedule A of 2019 federal Form 1045). Enter as a positive number
19 Subtract step 18 from step 17 ...........................................................................
20 Multiply step 19 by 20% (.20) ..........................................................................
If you received a subtracon in 2020 from an estate or trust:
21 Total bonus depreciation subtraction you received as a beneciary of an estate or trust (from line 15 of Schedule KF).....
Total subtracon
22 Add steps 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 21. Enter here and on line 21 of Schedule M1M
Line 22 — Secon 179 Expensing Subtracon
If you had an addition for increased section 179 expensing on your 2014 through 2019 Schedule M1M, subtract 20 percent of the total.
Note: The 2019 Schedule M1M, Income Additions and Subtractions was updated on August 15, 2020. If your Form M1 was completed with
a 2019 Schedule M1M from before the update, you may need to recalculate your section 179 expensing addition using an updated schedule in
order to determine the allowable subtraction for 2020.
Line 23 — Subtracon for Persons 65 or Older or Permanently and Totally Disabled (Schedule M1R)
You may qualify for a subtraction if either of the following apply to you (or your spouse, if ling a joint return):
You were born before January 2, 1955.
You were permanently and totally disabled and received federally taxable disability income in 2020. If you did not receive federally taxable
disability income, you do not qualify for this subtraction.
If you (or your spouse, if ling jointly) meet the age or disability requirement, see the Form M1 instructions to determine if you meet the
income requirements.
If you meet all eligibility requirements, complete and include Schedule M1R, Age 65 or Older/Disabled Subtraction.
Line 24 — Railroad Rerement Board Benets
If you included unemployment, sick pay, or retirement benets from the Railroad Retirement Board in your 2020 federal adjusted gross in-
come, you can subtract these amounts.
Line 25 — Reciprocity Income
Minnesota has income tax reciprocity agreements with Michigan and North Dakota. Reciprocity applies only to personal service income,
such as wages, salaries, tips, commissions, fees, and bonuses. Complete line 25 if all of the following are true:
You are a resident of a reciprocity state.
Your only Minnesota source income was wages covered under reciprocity.
You had Minnesota income tax withheld from these wages, and want a refund of the amount withheld. Place an X in the box for the state of
which you were a permanent resident during the year, and enter the amount from line 1 of Form M1 on line 25 of Schedule M1M.
When you le Form M1, follow the steps in the Form M1 instructions. Also complete and include the following:
Schedule M1W, Minnesota Income Tax Withheld
Form MWR, Reciprocity Exemption/Adavit of Residency
A copy of your home state tax return
To avoid having Minnesota tax withheld in the future on wages covered by reciprocity, le Form MWR each year with your employer.
Worksheet for Line 33
1 Amount of your debts immediately before the sale ..........................................................
2 Amount of debt forgiveness you were permitted to exclude from income on federal Form 1040 .......................
3 Subtract step 2 from step 1 .............................................................................
4 Fair market value of your assets immediately before the sale ..................................................
5 Subtract step 4 from step 3 .............................................................................
6 Gain from the sale included on line 8b of federal Form 1040 ..................................................
7 Step 5 or step 6, whichever is less. Also enter this amount on Schedule M1M, line 33 .................................
When to complete Schedule M1NR: If your gross income assignable to Minnesota (other than from performing personal services covered
under reciprocity) is $12,400 or more, you are not eligible to take the reciprocity subtraction on line 25. Instead, le Form M1 and Schedule
M1NR. Do not include your personal service income on column B of Schedule M1NR.
Line 26 — American Indians Living on an Indian Reservaon
If you are a member of an American Indian tribe living and working on the reservation of which you are an enrolled member, enter your reser-
vation source income to the extent it is federally taxable.
If you are eligible to subtract reservation source income, you must apportion any Child and Dependent Care Credit you claim based on your
income taxable to Minnesota.
Line 27 — Federal Acve Duty Military Pay Received by Residents
If you are a Minnesota resident and a member of the United States armed forces or United Nations armed forces, enter the federal active duty
military pay you received and included in your federal adjusted gross income.
Line 28 — Naonal Guard Members and Reservists
Members of the Minnesota National Guard and Reserves are allowed a subtraction of federally taxable pay received for training and certain
types of qualifying service. This includes:
Training, including annual training and drill weekends.
State active service, including natural disaster emergency response and missing person searches.
Federally funded state active service such as airport security duty, active duty for special work (ADSW), and service under Title 10 and Title
32 Active Guard Reserve (AGR).
If you included income on line 27 for federal active duty pay, do not include that income on line 28.
Line 30 — Organ Donor
If, while living, you, your spouse (if ling jointly), or a dependent donated all or part of a liver, pancreas, kidney, intestine, lung, or bone mar-
row to another person, you can subtract your actual qualied expenses up to $10,000.
Qualied expenses are your unreimbursed expenses for travel and lodging and for any lost wages net of sick pay due to the transplantation.
Line 31 — Disallowed Secon 280E Expenses for Medical Cannabis Manufacturers
If you are a medical cannabis manufacturer registered with the Minnesota Department of Health, you may subtract expenses that were not al-
lowed for federal tax purposes under section 280E of the Internal Revenue Code.
Line 32 — Military Pension or Rerement Pay
If you received certain compensation from a military pension or other military retirement pay, you may reduce your taxable income by that pay.
To qualify, your retirement pay must be taxable on your federal return and received for one of the following reasons:
Service in the active component of the military (U.S. Code, title 10, sections 1401 to 1414)
Retirement pay for service in the reserve component (U.S. Code, title 10, section 12733)
Survivor benet plan payments (U.S. Code, title 10, sections 1447 to 1455)
If you claim this subtraction, you may not claim the nonrefundable credit for past military service on line 1 of Schedule M1C, Other Nonre-
fundable Credits.
Line 33 — Gain From the Sale of Farm Property
You can reduce your taxable income if you received a gain from the sale of farm property in 2020 and all of the following are true:
You owned and operated the farm.
Your debts were greater than the fair market value of your assets immediately before the sale.
You included the gain from the sale in your federal adjusted gross income on line 8b of federal Form 1040.
You applied the proceeds from the sale of the property to paying o the mortgage, contract for deed, or lien on the property.
Complete the Worksheet for Line 33.
Line 34 — Post-Service Educaon Awards Received for Service in an AmeriCorps Naonal Service Program
If you received a post-service education award, such as tuition reimbursements or student loan payments, from the federal government in 2020
for service in the AmeriCorps program, you can subtract the amount you included in your federal adjusted gross income. Enter the amount you
received after leaving the program. Do not include the stipend received while working in the program.
If your education award was used to repay a student loan, and you deducted the student loan interest on line 20 of federal Schedule 1, you must
reduce your subtraction by the interest attributable to the award.
Line 35 — Net Operang Loss (NOL) from 2008 or 2009
Minnesota did not adopt the provisions of the Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009 (WHBA). If you chose this
federal option, you are limited on your Minnesota return to a carryback period of two years preceding the loss.
Enter the amount you are carrying forward for 2020 for Minnesota purposes. For complete information on how to determine line 35 and any
amount to carry forward, go to our website at and type net operating loss in the Search box.
Line 36 — Prior Addback of Reacquision of Indebtedness Income
If you included in this years federal adjusted gross income discharge of indebtedness income from reacquisition of business debt which you
elected to defer federally in 2009 or 2010 and included the discharge in Minnesota taxable income in the prior year, enter that amount on line
Line 37 — Railroad Maintenance Expenses
If you claimed a federal credit for railroad maintenance expenses on federal Form 8900, you may be allowed a subtraction for Minnesota pur-
poses. The Minnesota subtraction is the amount of depreciation expenses you were not allowed for federal income tax purposes due to making a
basis adjustment as a result of claiming the federal credit under section 45G(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Line 38 — Contribuons to a 529 plan
You may be able to deduct certain contributions made to a 529 plan. To determine the amount of your subtraction, complete and include Sched-
ule M1529, Education Savings Account Contribution Credit or Subtraction, and enter the amount from line 4 of Schedule M1529 on line 38.
Line 39 Social Security Subtracon
If you entered an amount on line 6b of federal Form 1040, complete the Worksheet for Line 39.
If you completed Schedule M1NC, Federal Adjustments, use the Worksheet for Line 39 of Schedule M1M in the Schedule M1NC instructions.
Worksheet for line 39
1 Enter the amount from line 9 of federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR ................................................
2 Enter the amount from line 6b of federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR ...............................................
3 Subtract step 2 from step 1 .............................................................................
4 Enter the amount from line 6a of federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR ...............................................
5 Multiply step 4 by 50% (0.50) ..........................................................................
6 Enter the amount you included or should have included on line 2a of federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR ..................
7 Add steps 3, 5 and 6 ..................................................................................
8 Enter the total of amounts on lines 10 through 19, and any write-in adjustments on 10 through 19,
or line 22 of federal Schedule 1 .........................................................................
9 Subtract step 8 from step 7. If zero or less, enter 0 ..........................................................
10 Enter the amount for your ling status from below: .........................................................
Married Filing Jointly or Qualifying Widow(er): $79,480
Single or Head of household: $62,090
Married Filing Separate: $39,740
11 Subtract step 10 from step 9. If zero or less, enter 0 .........................................................
12 Multiply step 11 by 20% (.20) ..........................................................................
13 Enter the amount for your ling status from below ..........................................................
Married Filing Jointly or Qualifying Widow(er): $5,240
Single or Head of household: $4,090
Married Filing Separate: $2,620
14 Subtract step 12 from step 13. If zero or less, enter 0 ........................................................
15 Enter the amount from step 2 ...........................................................................
16 Enter the amount of Tier 1 railroad retirement benets included on line 24 of Schedule M1M........................
17 Subtract step 16 from step 15. If zero or less, enter 0 ........................................................
18 Enter step 14 or step 17, whichever is less. Also enter this amount on line 39 of Schedule M1M. .......................
Line 40 — First-Time Homebuyers Savings Account
If you contributed to a designated rst-time homebuyer savings account since 2017, you may be eligible to subtract your earnings on the ac-
count. Complete and include Schedule M1HOME, First-Time Homebuyer Savings Account, to determine your subtraction amount.
Line 41 — Discharge of Indebtedness for Educaon Loans
If you had a qualifying education loan forgiven because you completed an income-driven repayment program, enter the amount of debt dis-
charged and included in federal adjusted gross income.
Line 42 — Income From Prior Year Partnership Sale
Complete this line if both of the following are true:
You led Schedule M1AR, Accelerated Recognition of Installment Sale Gains, in a prior year to report income from the sale of a partnership
or S corporation.
You recognized a gain on your 2020 federal income tax return from the sale reported on Schedule M1AR in the prior year.
Include the gain recognized on your 2020 federal return that is included in your income.
Line 43 — Deferred foreign income recognized under secon 965 of the Internal Revenue Code
Enter the amount of deferred foreign income recognized on your federal return under Internal Revenue Code section 965. This amount is the
section 965(a) inclusion amount reduced by section 965(c).
Line 44 — Global intangible low-taxed income included under secon 951A of the Internal Revenue Code
Include the amount of global intangible low-taxed income included in your gross income under section 951A of the Internal Revenue Code.