Name of Corporaon Federal ID Number Minnesota Tax ID
Mailing Address
Check if New Address
Former name, if changed since 2019 return:
City State ZIP Code Number of Schedule KS Number of Shareholders
Place an X in all that apply:
1 S corporaon taxes (place an X in all that apply):
Federal Schedule D taxes Passive income
LIFO recapture ................................................1
(enclose computaon)
2 Minimum fee from M8A, line 9 (see M8A instrucons, pg. 8) ..............2 (enclose M8A)
3 Composite income tax for nonresident shareholders ....................3 (enclose Schedules KS)
Minnesota income tax withheld for nonresident shareholders.
If you received Form AWC from a shareholder, check box: 4 (enclose Forms AWC)
5 Add lines 1 through 4.............................................................................5
6 Employer Transit Pass Credit not passed through to shareholders,
limited to the sum of lines 1 and 2 above (enclose Schedule ETP).......................................6
7 Tax Credit for Owners of Agricultural Assets not passed through to shareholders,
limited to the sum of lines 1 and 2 above ..........................................................7
Enter the cercate number from the cercate you received from the
Rural Finance Authority:
8 Add lines 6 and 7 ................................................................................8
9 Subtract line 8 from line 5 (if result is zero or less, leave blank).........................................9
10 Minnesota Nongame Wildlife Fund donaon (see instrucons, pg. 4).
This will reduce your refund or increase your tax ...................................................10
11 Add lines 9 and 10 ............................................................................11
12 Enterprise Zone Credit not passed through
to shareholders (enclose Schedule EPC) ...............................12
13 Esmated tax and/or extension payments made for 2020 ...............13
14 Add lines 12 and 13 ...........................................................................14
Round amounts to nearest whole dollar
2020 M8, S Corporaon Return
Connued next page
Qualied Subchapter
S Subsidiary
Income Tax
Out of Business (see
instrucons, pg. 4)
Installment Sale of Pass-
through Assets or Interests
Public Law
Tax year beginning (MM/DD/YYYY) ,and ending (MM/DD/YYYY)
/ / / /
2020 M8, page 2
Name of Corporaon Federal ID Number Minnesota Tax ID
15 Tax due. If line 11 is more than line 14, subtract line 14 from line 11 ..................................15
16 Penalty (see instrucons, pg. 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
17 Interest (see instrucons, pg. 5) .................................................................17
18 Addional charge for underpayment of esmated tax (aach Schedule EST) ............................18
19 AMOUNT DUE. If you entered an amount on line 15, add lines 15 through 18. ..........................19
Payment method:
Electronic (see inst., pg. 2), or
Check (see inst., pg. 2)
20 Overpayment. If line 14 is more than the sum of lines 11 and
16 through 18, subtract lines 11 and 16 through 18 from line 14...........20
21 Amount of line 20 to be credited to your 2021 esmated tax .............21
22 REFUND. Subtract line 21 from line 20 ...............................22
23 To have your refund direct deposited, enter the following. Otherwise, you will receive a check.
Account type:
Roung number Account number (use an account not associated with any foreign banks)
Round amounts to nearest whole dollar
Signature of Ocer Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Ocers Dayme Phone
Print Name of Ocer Email Address for Correspondence, if Desired This Email Address belongs to:
Paid Preparer
Paid Preparers Signature Preparer’s PTIN Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Preparer’s Dayme Phone
Include a complete copy of federal Form 1120S, Schedules K and K-1,
and other federal schedules
Mail to: Minnesota S Corporaon Income Tax
Mail Staon 1770
St. Paul, MN 55145-1770
/ /
/ /
I authorize the Minnesota Department of Revenue to discuss
this tax return with the preparer.
I do not want my paid preparer to le my return electronically.
2020 M8A, Apporonment and Minimum Fee
All S corporaons must complete M8A to determine its Minnesota source income and minimum fee. See M8A instrucons
beginning on page 7. Enclose a copy of your balance sheet.
In Minn. Total Factors (A ÷ B)
(carry to 5 decimal places)
1 a Average value of inventory ..........1a
b Average value of buildings, machinery
and other tangible property owned ...1b
c Average value of land owned ........1c
Total average value of tangible property
owned at original cost (add lines 1a-1c) ......1
2 Capitalized rents paid by S corporaon
(gross rents paid x 8) ...................2
3 Add lines 1 and 2 ......................3
4 Total payroll, including ocers’
5 Sales (including rents received) ...........5
(If line 5, column B is zero, see instrucons, page 7.)
Minimum Fee Calculaon
6 Total of lines 3, 4 and 5 in column A .......6
7 Adjustments (see instrucons, page 8) .....7 (Idenfy pass-through enty and enclose schedule.)
8 Combine lines 6 and 7 ..................8
9 Minimum fee (determine using the amount
on line 8 and the table below)
Enter this amount on line 2 of your Form M8.
Minimum Fee Table
If line 8 of M8A is: your minimum fee is:
Less than $1,040,000 ................................. $0
$1,040,000 to $2,069,999 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $210
$2,070,000 to $10,379,999 ............................ $620
$10,380,000 to $20,749,999 .......................... $2,070
$20,750,000 to $41,499,999 .......................... $4,160
$41, 500,000 or More .............................. $10,380