Unaltered inspection receipt 2013 95,001 +
Oil change or service repair receipt from a service station 2007 155,001 + 2014 85 001 +
Odometer certification certificate 2008 150,001 + 2015 70,001 +
2009 140,001 + 2016 60,001 +
Documentation must have VIN #
Applications received without proper documentation cannot be accepted or
The owner(s) must sign and date this form. If the owner is an entity such as a trust, partnership, limited liability company, or
corporation, it must be signed by a member, partner, executive officer, or other person specifically authorized in writing by the
trust, partnership, limited liability company, or corporation to sign.
I declare, under penalty of perjury, (1) that the foregoing information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief,
and (2) that I am the owner or a member, partner, executive officer, or other person specifically authorized in writing to sign.
The Commissioner of the Revenue may require the submission of additional information or other evidence deemed
necessary for a proper and equitable determination of the Application.
High Mileage Application MUST BE FILED EACH YEAR by May 1st to continue to receive a reduction.
Additional Owner Information
Complete, sign, date & return (to the address above) this High Mileage Application form and the required
documentation or evidence to support your application.
Email: personalproperty@montgomerycountyva.gov
Helen P. Royal, Master Commissioner of the Revenue
755 Roanoke St. Suite 1A Christiansburg, VA 24073
Phone 540-382-5710 Fax 540-381-6838
You MUST attach a copy of one of the following documents.
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit