12 Add lines 10 and 11 .......................................................................... 12
13 Full-year residents: Enter the amount from line 12 on line 13. Skip lines 13a and 13b.
Part-year residents and nonresidents: From Schedule M1NR, enter
the amount from line 32 on
line 13,
from line 28 on
line 13a, and from line 29 on line 13b (enclose Schedule M1NR) .................. 13
13a 13b
14 Other taxes, such as recapture amounts and the tax on lump-sum distribuons (check appropriate boxes)
(a) Schedule M1HOME (b) Schedule M1529 (c) Schedule M1LS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
15 Tax before credits. Add lines 13 and 14 ...........................................................
16 Amount from line 17 of Schedule M1C, Nonrefundable Credits (enclose Schedule M1C)................... 16
17 Subtract line 16 from line 15 (if result is zero or less, leave blank) .....................................
18 Nongame Wildlife Fund contribuon (see instrucons)
This will reduce your refund or increase the amount you owe ........................... 18
19 Add lines 17 and 18 ........................................................................... 19
Minnesota income tax withheld. Complete and enclose Schedule M1W to report
Minnesota withholding from Forms W-2, 1099, and W-2G (do not send)
................................. 20
21 Minnesota esmated tax and extension payments made for 2020 .................................... 21
22 Amount from line 9 of Schedule M1REF, Refundable Credits (see instrucons; enclose Schedule M1REF) ..... 22
23 Total payments. Add lines 20 through 22 ......................................................... 23
24 REFUND. If line 23 is more than line 19, subtract line 19 from line 23 (see instrucons).
For direct deposit, complete line 25 ............................................................. 24
25 Direct deposit of your refund (you must use an account not associated with a foreign bank):
Checking Savings
Roung Number Account Number
26 AMOUNT YOU OWE. If line 19 is more than line 23, subtract line 23 from line 19 (see instrucons) ........ 26
27 Penalty amount from Schedule M15 (see instrucons). Also subtract
this amount from line 24 or add it to line 26 (enclose Schedule M15) .................................. 27
IF YOU PAY ESTIMATED TAX and want part of your refund credited to esmated tax, complete lines 28 and 29.
28 Amount from line 24 you want sent to you ....................................................... 28
29 Amount from line 24 you want applied to your 2021 esmated tax ...................................
Your Signature Spouse’s Signature (If Filing Jointly) Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
Dayme Phone Email Address
Taxpayer: I declare that this return is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Include a copy of your 2020 federal return and schedules. Mail to: Minnesota Individual Income Tax, St. Paul, MN 55145-0010
I authorize the Minnesota Department of Revenue to discuss this return
with my paid preparer or the third-party designee indicated on my federal return.
I do not want my paid preparer to le my return electronically.
2020 M1, page 2
Paid Preparer’s Signature Date (MM/DD/YYYY) PTIN or VITA/TCE # (required)
Preparer’s Dayme Phone Preparer’s Email Address