2020-21 Special Circumstance Request
Office of Financial Aid
This form is used to re-evaluate your eligibility for 2020-21 financial aid. We will act on your request for a re-
evaluation only after receiving supporting documentation which confirms your circumstance(s). Please be
aware that a re-evaluation does not guarantee an increase in your financial assistance. An increase depends on
the availability of funds and demonstrated financial need. Decisions may take 4-6 weeks.
I am officially requesting a recalculation of income for the 20-21 school year.
• I have provided the following documentation (if selected for verification):
☐ Completed Verification Worksheet
☐ Copies of 2018 federal tax return transcripts/returns
☐ Copies of 2019 federal tax return transcripts/returns
☐ Copies of my W2s and my spouse’s and parents’ (if applicable)
Option 1: Loss or change of employment
What date did the change occur? ___/_________
I am providing the following documentation to support the change in income:
☐ Last check stub showing year-to-date income
☐ Termination statement from employer
☐ Statement of unemployment compensation
☐ Statement of loss of unemployment
☐ Other: ______________________________________
Briefly provide any further explanation to clarify the changes:
Option 2: Death, Divorce, or Separation