EFSC Office of Financial Aid
www.easternflorida.edu/go/aid | (321) 433-7339 | finaid@easternflorida.edu
D. Loan Change Request
Anticipated Graduation Date: __________________________________
☐ Please increase my current loan to
☐ $_________________ Subsidized for ☐ Fall 2020 ☐ Spring 2021 ☐ Summer 2021
☐ $_________________ Unsubsidized for ☐ Fall 2020 ☐ Spring 2021 ☐ Summer 2021
OR please award the maximum available for
☐ Subsidized ☐ Unsubsidized ☐ Both Subsidized & Unsubsidized
☐ Please decrease my current loan to
☐ $_________________ Subsidized for ☐ Fall 2020 ☐ Spring 2021 ☐ Summer 2021
☐ $_________________ Unsubsidized for ☐ Fall 2020 ☐ Spring 2021 ☐ Summer 2021
☐ Please cancel my current undisbursed loans for ☐ Fall 2020 ☐ Spring 2021 ☐ Summer 2021
☐ Please re-offer* my cancelled/declined loan for ☐ Fall 2020 ☐ Spring 2021 ☐ Summer 2021
Your loan will be placed in an offered status. You will need to log in to Titan Web via myEFSC to
accept/decline the loan that has been offered.
E. PLUS Loan Denial
☐ I am a dependent student whose parent has applied for a Direct PLUS Loan on studentaid.gov and have
received a denial. Please offer the maximum loans available.
F. Students without Parent Support
☐ Students whose parents refuse to support them are not eligible for a dependency override, but they may be
able to receive Direct Unsubsidized Loans only. For a student to be eligible for this provision, you must get
documentation (1) that your parents refuse to complete the FAFSA and (2) that they do not and will not
provide any financial support to you. Include the date support ended. If your parents refuse to sign and date
a statement to this effect, you must get documentation from a third party, such as a teacher, counselor,
cleric, or court.
G. Certification and Signature
By signing below I certify that all of the information reported is
complete and correct.
Student’s Signature Date
WARNING: If you purposely give false
or misleading information, you may be
fined, sent to prison, or both.