Anticipated Completion Date:
Course Semester Grade
Course Semester Grade
A. Critical Thinking, Scientific & Quantitative Reasoning - 11 Credits F. Major Core Requirements - 27 Credits
BIO 204 or BIO 211 (2) 4 BIO 212 4
B. Global Awareness & Appreciation for Diversity - 12 Credits KIN 311 3
FINE ARTS ELT (1) 3 KIN 401 3
PSY 201 or SS ELT (2) 3 PHY 210 4
G. Specialization Requirements - 41 Credits (3)
C. Communication & Collaboration - 12 Credits
D. Habits of Mind, Body & Heart - 6 Credits
BIO 201/BIO 300/KIN 200 (2) 3
BI 102_________ 3 Specialization-Concentrations:
TH 201________ 3
Pre-Chiropractic Therapy (41 Credits): BIO 205, 211, 321, 402,
TH 202________ 3 CH 202, 308, 309, KIN 202 & 499, PHY 211, PSY 202
Full-time students are required to attend chapel twice weekly and part-
Pre-Occupational Therapy (41 Credits): BIO 205, 309/321/403,
time students are required to attend once weekly. Students are also BIO 211, CH 202, KIN 202 & 499, PHY 211, PSY 202, 303,
required to complete forty-five hours of community engagement each PSY 311, 332, 333
semester. First-time freshmen during their first semester and graduating
seniors during their final semester are exempt from the community
Pre-Physical Therapy (41 Credits): BIO 205, 211, CH 202, KIN 202,
engagement requirement. 320, 322, 440, 499, PHY 211, PSY 311, General Elective (5 credits)
____ Chapel
____ Community Engagement
Physical Education (41 Credits): ED 300, EN 316,
KIN 201, 301, 310, 323, 324, 325, 403, 495, PSY 202
(1) Students, in consultation with their Advisor, choose courses that best suit General Elective (10 credits)
their career interests.
(2) Pre-Chiropractic, Pre-Occupational, and Pre-Physical Therapy students take BIO 201, 204,
SY 201, and any American Institutions course. Physical Education students take BIO 211,
IO 300, SS ELT, and SS 205.
(3) Minimum grade of C required to earn a Biblical Worldview Minor; minimum grade of C required
for all major requirements, specializations, and any addt'l minor.
E. Biblical Worldview Minor - 18 Credits (3)
General Education Core - 59 Credits
Major Requirements - 68 Credits