PI-9421 Page 3
BY CHECKING THIS BOX, I AGREE that all information is complete and correct. I am the child’s parent or legal guardian or I am the pupil age
18 or older. I understand that under PI 36.06(2)(a)1, the resident school district will send to the nonresident school district a copy of my child’s
individualized education program (IEP) and/or information about whether my child has been referred for a special education evaluation. I
understand that under s. 118.51(8), Wis. Stats., the resident school district shall provide to the nonresident school district any information about
my child relating to expulsion or expulsion proceedings.
I also understand that under PI 36.12(1)(c) the nonresident district cannot request and a resident district cannot provide any o
records, including transcripts and attendance records, without my written consent. The nonresident school district may not deny an alternative
application based on a parent’s refusal to consent to release of additional records.
Legal Name of Pupil
Name of Parent or Legal Guardian
Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian or Pupil if 18 or Older Signature may be provided electronically.
Date Signed Mo./Day/Yr.
Instructions to the Parent/Legal Guardian or Adult Pupil
Complete this form, include all attachments, and send or deliver this form
to the nonresident school district to which you are applying. You may
apply to no more than three nonresident school districts in this school
The nonresident school district may deny the application for the same
reasons it may deny an application submitted during the open enrollment
application period. There is no provision in the statutes for parents to
appeal a nonresident school district’s decision.
The resident school district may only deny an application for the following
• The resident school district determines that the criteria relied on by
the applicant does not apply to the pupil.
• The resident school district does not agree that the transfer is in the
best interest of the pupil.
The resident district may not deny an application if it is based on the
resident school district's finding that the pupil has been the victim of a
violent crime.
The pupil’s parent may appeal the resident district’s decision to the
department within 30 days after the decision.
Instructions to the Nonresident School District
Immediately upon receipt of this form, send a copy of the form and all
attachments to the resident school district indicated on the form.
Within 20 days of receiving the form, notify the parent, in writing, whether
the application is approved or denied.
The nonresident school district may deny the application for the same
reasons it may deny an application submitted during the regular open
enrollment application period.
The nonresident school district may deny the application if it does not
agree that the transfer is in the best interest of the pupil.
Instructions to the Resident School District
Within 10 calendar days of receiving this form, send a copy of the
individualized education program (IEP) if the pupil is a child with a
disability, and of any expulsion order or information about any pending
disciplinary proceeding concerning the pupil.
Within 20 calendar days of receiving this form, notify the parent, in
writing, if the application is denied.
The resident school district may only deny an application for the following
• The resident school district determines that the criteria relied on by
the applicant does not apply to the pupil.
• The resident school district does not agree that the transfer is in the
best interest of the pupil.
The resident district may not deny an application if it is based on the
resident school district's finding that the pupil has been the victim of a
violent crime.