Section 1
Student nancial questions
Unearned income
a Estimate the total taxable unear ned income,
before deductions, that you expect to
receive in academic year 2020/21.
What is the source of this income?
What is taxable unearned income?
Taxable unearned income is any income you receive from the following sources:
• Bank or building society gross interest • Trusts or sponsorships
• Property, lettings or rent
• Dividends or investments
• Any other payment received for attending
the course
Don’t include any:
• E
arnings from full or part-time work
• Maintenance Loan or grant payments you
may receive
• Payments you receive from parents under
a covenant
• Teacher Training Bursaries
• Higher Education Bursaries (for care leavers)
• Bounties paid by the armed services to
reservists or disablement or invalidity pensions
• ISAs
Payments from an employer
b Will you be employed during the
academic year?
No Yes
if no if no go to ego to e
c Will your employer be releasing you to
attend your course for the academic year
No Yes
if no go to e
If ‘Yes’, how much will your employer pay
you for time spent attending your course
during this period?
What should I include in my answer?
Only enter an amount for question b if you are being released from employment by your employer to
attend your course. Only include salary or wages that you will receive from that employer for days you are
attending your course.
Any earnings from salary or wages entered here may affect your student finance entitlement. Do not
provide any amount here if you are a student who is working while studying but have not been specifically
released by your employer to attend your course.