Anticipated Completion Date:
Course Semester Grade
Semester Grade
A. Critical Thinking, Scientific & Quantitative Reasoning - 10 Credits 3
Biological Science Course (1) 3 3
Physical Science Course (1) 3 3
Choose from BIO, CH, PHY or PS courses; BIO 300 does not meet the General
B. Global Awareness & Appreciation for Diversity - 12 Credits Education Science requirement.
Minimum grade of C required for specialization-concentrations.
History Survey Elective 3 (3) Students pursuing BS take MA 118; Students Pursuing BA take MA 115
HI 201/202/SS 205 3 Full-time students are required to attend chapel twice weekly and part-
Social Science Course* 3 time students are required to attend once weekly. Students are also
*Course must have cross-cultural elements required to complete forty-five hours of community engagement each
C. Communication & Collaboration - 12 Credits semester. First-time freshmen during their first semester and graduating
EN 101 3 seniors during their final semester are exempt from the community
EN 102 3 engagement requirement.
Literature Course 3 ____ Community Engagement
D. Habits of Mind, Body & Heart - 6 Credits
E. Biblical Worldview Minor - 9 Credits
Liberal Studies Core Credits - 49 credits
ELECTIVES or Specialization-Concentration - 12 Credits