Application Deadline is JUNE 30, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
Rev. 5/1/2020 Webb County
Application Guide for Third Party Funding
FY 2020-2021
Present County Officials and Employees
Conflicts of Interest
(a) General Rule. To avoid the appearance and/or risk of impropriety, an official employee shall not take
any action that he or she knows is likely to affect the economic interests of:
(1) The official or employee;
(2) His or her parent, child, spouse, or other family member within the second degree of affinity or within
the fourth degree of consanguinity; (3) His or her outside client;
(4) A member of his or her household;
(5) Any outside employer of the official or employee or of his/her parent, child, spouse, or member of
the household;
(6) A business entity in which the official or employee knows that any of the persons listed in
Subsections (a) (1) or (a) (2) of this Section holds an economic interest as that term;
(7) A business entity which the official or employee knows is an affiliated business or partner of a
business entity in which any of the persons listed in Subsection (a) (1) or (a) (2) of this Subsection
holds an economic interest;
(8) A business entity or nonprofit entity for which the county official or employee serves as an official or
director or in any other policy making position; or
(9) A person or business entity with whom, within the past twelve months:
(A) The official or employee, or his or her spouse, directly or indirectly has
(i) solicited an offer of employment for which the application is pending;
(ii) received an offer of employment which has not been rejected;
(iii) accepted an offer of employment, or
(B) The official or employee, or his or her spouse, directly or indirectly, engaged in negotiations
pertaining to business opportunities, where negotiations are pending or not terminated.
(b) Recusal and Disclosure. A county official or employee whose conduct violated Subsection (a) must
recuse him or herself, and from the time that the conflict is, or should have been recognized, if applicable, he or
she shall:
(1) Immediately refrain from further participation in the matter, including discussions with persons likely
to consider or participate in the matter;
(2) File the appropriate form with the external auditor within three (3) business days disclosing the
nature and extend of the prohibited conduct;
(3) Promptly bring the conflict to the attention of his or her supervisor who will then, if necessary,
reassign responsibility for handling the matter to another employee; and
(4) Promptly disclose the conflict to other members of the council, board or commission in which he or
she serves and shall not be present during the board’s discussion of, or voting on, the matter.
(c) For purposes of this section, any action is likely to affect the economic interest if it is likely to have an
effect on that interest that is distinguishable from its effect on members of the public in general or any segment