Revised 10/01/19
Texas Educational Opportunity Grant (TEOG)
Selective Service Status Form
If you are a male and have a 2020-2021 TEOG award on your TConnect account, you must confirm your Selective Service
Status with this form and return it to the Financial Aid Office in a timely manner. You must monitor your TC Email for important
information regarding the award and deadline date to submit this form. Failure to do so will result in a forfeiture of the award
and the Grant funds will not be disbursed to you.
______________________________________________________ ___________________________
Student’s Name (PRINT) Student ID #
Required Statement of Selective Service
If you are a male, are you currently registered for Selective Service, as required by federal law?
______ Registered ______Not Registered ______ Exempt
(Proof of Registration Required) (Documentation Required)
I, ____________________________________________hereby certify that the selective service status provided is true and
correct. I understand that I must provide documentation if requested by my institution and that I may be required to complete a
new statement for each academic year for continued eligibility.
______________________________________________________ ___________________________
Student’s Signature Date
Return completed form to: Temple College
Office of Financial Aid
2600 South First
Temple, TX 76504
Fax: (254) 298-8252
click to sign
click to edit