Under federal law and Elizabethtown College policy, all scholarships and financial aid you obtain from sources other than the College must
be reported to the Financial Aid Office and be considered when determining eligibility for financial aid assistance. Please use this sheet to
inform us of any outside scholarships/aid you were awarded. You may also send us copies of the scholarship announcement(s). If we have
to revise your financial aid package, we will send you a revised award letter. Please see our outside scholarship policy in the financial aid
handbook at www.etown.edu/offices/financial-aid/handbook.aspx.
Student Name:
Student ID:
Email Address:
Scholarship/Sponsoring Organization
Scholarship/Sponsoring Organization
*Attach additional page if necessary.
Please answer the following questions if you are a student-athlete.
Did you receive any of the above awards to attend
Elizabethtown College?
Does the donor of the award have a direct connection with
Elizabethtown College?
Can any of the above awards be made for multiple years?
Was your athletics participation, leadership, ability or
performance considered in the determination to receive any
of the awards above?
NCAA By Law - A student-athlete may receive financial aid through an established and continuing program for the recognition of outstanding high school graduates,
which may consider athletics leadership, ability, participation or performance, provided the award shall be made on only one occasion but may be disbursed over multiple
years; the recipient's choice of institutions shall not be restricted by the donor of the aid; and there shall be no direct connection between the donor and the student-athlete's
I certify that the awards indicated on this form are correct to my knowledge. If I receive additional outside scholarship
awards or if the scholarships listed above change, I will notify the Financial Aid Office promptly.
_______________________________ ________________
Student’s Signature Date
Return this sheet to the Financial Aid Office
Financial Aid Office
Elizabethtown College
One Alpha Drive
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
Fax: 717-361-1514