2020-2021 Income Reduction Form
Federal regulations require that financial aid applicants report their prior-prior year income on the Free Application for Federal Student
Aid (FAFSA). However the Office of Financial Aid realizes that some students may experience special circumstances that cause a
substantial reduction in their income that impacts their ability to contribute to college costs.
If you and/or your spouse experience one of the special circumstances outlined below, you may request re-evaluation of your financial
need based on 2020 income instead of 2018. Your or your family projected 2020 income must be SUBSTANTIALLY LESS
of 2018 and at least 90 days must have elapsed since the qualifying event (listed below) in order for SCTC’s Financial Aid
Office to re-evaluate your eligibility for Financial Aid.
A submission of this appeal form does not guarantee an increase in your financial aid award. The change in your financial
resources must be substantial. Dependent students’ appeals are based on parent income changes.
Make sure you attach all requested documentation. An incomplete income reduction form will be
Death of Spouse
Submit a detailed letter outlining your situation and the impact on your 2020 income.
Submit a copy of the death certificate or equivalent.
Complete Sections 1, 2 & 3 on the attached form. Fill out Section 2 with your income. Attach documentation to support all
income listed (i.e., last pay stub, life insurance benefit, social security benefit, etc.)
Submit a copy of you and your spouse’s (if applicable) 2018 Federal Income Tax Return transcript.
Marital Separation, Pending Divorce, or Divorce (Student and Spouse must live in separate residences).
Submit a detailed letter outlining your situation and the impact on your 2020 income.
Submit documentation of separation (legal separation documentation, attorney’s letter, or documentation of separate
residences). If no legal documentation exists, a notarized statement is
Copy of Divorce Decree (if Divorced).
Complete Sections 1, 2 & 3 on the attached form. Fill out Section 2 with your income. Attach documentation to support all
income listed (i.e., last pay stub, life insurance benefits, etc.)
Submit a copy of you and your spouse’s (if applicable) 2018 Federal Income Tax Return transcript.
Separation from Work due to Layoff or Termination (unemployment must have occurred for at least 16 weeks).
Submit a detailed letter outlining your situation and the impact on your household’s 2020 income.
Submit a letter of job status change from employer. Letter must be on company letterhead and should list the dates of
employment and date of termination.
Complete Sections 1, 2 & 3 on the attached form. Fill out Section 2 with the income information from you and your spouse.
Attach documentation to support all income listed (i.e., ending pay stub, unemployment compensation, severance pay, etc.).
Submit a copy of you and your spouse’s (if applicable) 2018 Federal Income tax return transcript
Involuntary Change in Job Status (Reduction of work hours, Retirement, Permanent Disability, etc.)
Submit a detailed letter outlining your situation and the impact on your household’s 2020 income.
Submit a letter of job status change from employer. Letter must be on company letterhead and should list the date of
reduction of hours occurred.
Complete Sections 1, 2 & 3 on the attached form. Fill out Section 2 with income information from you and your spouse (if
applicable). Attach documentation to support all income listed (i.e. W-2, most recent pay stub, etc.).
Submit a copy of you and your spouse’s (if applicable) 2018 Federal Income Tax Return transcript.
Loss of Benefits or Non-recurring Income (Benefits received in 2018 are reduced or lost in 2020)
Submit a detailed letter outlining your situation and the impact on your household’s 2020 income. Letter should outline
reduction or termination of benefits. Indicate the date of loss of reduction (i.e., loss of Social Security or Child Support
benefits due to child turning 18, inheritance, etc.). If the benefit was a non-recurring, you should include verification of how
the funds were spent or invested.
Complete Sections 1, 2 & 3 on the attached form. Fill out Section 2 with the income information from you and your spouse.
Submit a copy of you and your spouse’s (if applicable) 2018 Federal Income Tax Return transcript.
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Griffin,GA30223 Thomaston,GA30286 McDonough,GA30253
P:770‐228‐7368 P:706‐646‐6386 P:770‐467‐6049
F:770‐229‐3029 F:706‐646‐6063 F:770‐914‐4424