Financial Aid Office
3200 West C Street
Torrington, WY 82240
p: 307.532.8224
f: 307.532.8222
Income Change/Special
Circumstance Appeal
(Dependent student)
PLEASE NOTE: You must have filed a 2020-2021 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and have completed your
financial aid file (received an offer letter) BEFORE submitting this form. All appeals must contain supporting documentation.
Unsigned, incomplete or inadequately documented forms will not be considered. Submission of an appeal does not imply your
request will be approved. Appeals should be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than mid-term of the semester for which
the student is requesting aid.
Financial aid eligibility is normally based on the student’s and his/her family’s gross annual income for the FAFSA tax
year. The Federal Methodology formula uses information from the FAFSA to estimate what the family might be able to
pay toward the student’s educational expenses. The formula automatically adjusts for certain expenses, but families
sometimes have a decrease in income or other financial issues in a subsequent year that would not be reflected on the
FAFSA. If this year’s FAFSA does not reflect your current financial situation, we may be able to re-evaluate your
financial need based on your 2019 information and/or projected gross income for 2020. For dependent students, we
consider changes in income for the student’s parent(s) only.
You will be notified in writing of the Appeal Committee’s decision. Allow 30 days for review. Additional time may be
needed for review if the Financial Aid Office requests additional information. If we are able to make adjustments, we will
submit corrections to your FAFSA data. If you qualify for additional aid based on your adjusted financial need, we will
award the additional aid when the correction process is complete. This correction process could take up to two more
weeks, depending on the time of year.
Special circumstances are usually defined as unexpected events or situations beyond your control. Examples include (but
are not limited to): loss of employment, reduction in work hours, loss of benefits such as Social Security or child support,
disability, separation or divorce after filing the FAFSA, death of a parent after filing the FAFSA.
WHAT IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR APPEAL? (not limited to these examples)
Routine personal living expenses (car payments, insurance, credit card bills, mortgage/rent)
Unusual personal living expenses (wedding costs, legal expenses)
Reduction in overtime pay
One-time income from gambling earnings
 Complete this form only if your family’s gross income has decreased at least 20% from what it was the
previous year(s).
In addition to completing this form and providing all situation-specific supporting documentation, all appeals must include the
following documentation:
A typed (or neatly hand-written), signed statement explaining your family’s special circumstances in detail
Signed copy of your parent(s)’ 2018 and 2019 Federal Income Tax Return (or Tax Transcript); applicable Schedules 1, 2,
and 3; W-2 forms; and other schedules if requested
A copy of the most recent pay stub from each employer
Verification of all untaxed income received in 2018 and 2019
Complete the Estimated Income/Expenses Worksheet on page 4 of this appealno item may be left blank
Appeals submitted after 12/31/20 MUST include signed copies of 2020 Federal Income Tax Returns and all W-2s
*Please note that omitting required documentation may cause delays in your appeal’s review or your appeal may be denied.
___________________________________________________________ ____________________ __________________________
Last Name First Name M.I. EWC Student ID Number Social Security Number (last four digits)
___________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Mailing Address (include apartment number) E-mail Address
___________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
City, ST, Zip Phone Number (include area code)
A. Unemployment or reduction of hours or wages
Parent who worked in 2018 is now unemployed or has had work hours and/or wage rate reduced.
Required documentation:
Copy of last pay stub(s) from previous employer(s)
Copy of letter from employer on letterhead verifying the release from employment or reduction in hours/wages, the date the
change became effective and the duration of the reduction if temporary
Notice of eligibility or denial for unemployment benefits
Copy of disability benefit statement if applicable
B. Medical or dental expenses
You or your parent(s) made payments for expenses not covered by insurance. Medical expenses for which you received
no insurance or other reimbursement must exceed 11% of the family’s taxable income in order to be considered.
Required documentation:
Submit copies of receipts or billing statements showing amounts for which you received no insurance or other reimbursement, as
well as documentation of payment
Total medical expenses for which you received no insurance or other reimbursement(s): $__________________.
C. Retirement
Parent who worked in 2018 has retired.
Required documentation:
Copy of last pay stub(s) from previous employer(s)
Copy of retirement benefit statement
Letter from previous employer on letterhead stating last date of employment
D. Death of parent
Parent passed away after the FAFSA was filed.
Required documentation:
Copy of death certificate, obituary, or funeral program
E. Separation or divorce of parent
Parent was married when the FAFSA was filed, but has now separated or divorced.
Required documentation:
Court documentation verifying legal separation or divorce, or letter from attorney documenting that legal proceedings have begun
F. Reduction or loss of support or benefits
Parent received support or benefits in 2018 that have been terminated or reduced. Support or benefits may include:
worker’s compensation, unemployment benefits, child support, Social Security benefits, pensions, etc.
Required documentation:
Last check stub or printout of benefit received
Letter from agency on letterhead verifying the date and amount of benefit lost
G. One-time income
Parent received non-recurring income in 2018 from a pension, IRA, annuity, inheritance, settlement, etc.
Required documentation:
Copy of form 1099 or other statement from paying agency showing the one-time income
Explain why the one-time income is not available for education expenses; include documentation
B: REASON FOR SUBMITTING APPEAL (check all that apply)
H. Dislocated Worker/Displaced Homemaker
Parent is a Dislocated Worker if he/she is receiving unemployment benefits due to being laid off or losing a job and is
unlikely to return to a previous occupation, or was self-employed but is now unemployed due to economic conditions or
natural disaster. A Displaced Homemaker is generally a person who previously provided unpaid services to the family
(e.g. stay-at-home parent), is no longer supported by the spouse, is unemployed or underemployed, and is having trouble
finding or upgrading employment.
Required documentation:
Copy of letter from employer on letterhead verifying the release from employment or reduction in hours/wages, the date the
change became effective and the duration of the reduction if temporary
Notice of eligibility or denial for unemployment benefits
I. Other
You or your parent(s) have other unusual circumstances not listed above.
Required documentation:
Explain the circumstances in detail, including the impact on your ability to pay for your educational expenses
Attach supporting documentation of the circumstances
For the following questions, ONLY include information for the student’s parent(s) whose income was included on the 2020-2021
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Whose income decreased? _______________________________________________________________________________
What date did the change in circumstance occur? ______/______/__________
*Explain below (or attach a typed, signed personal statement explaining), in as much detail as possible, why you are requesting
a change in income. Please list dates that the changes occurred and how it impacted your income. You must provide
appropriate documentation. Be as detailed as possible about the change in your circumstances.
The following section requires you to provide your and your parent(s)’ expected income for 2020. Please provide figures for the
entire year; do not report hourly or monthly wages or income. Include all income received from January 1, 2020 until today, and
estimate amounts to be received from today until December 31, 2020. This form may be completed in pencil.
DO NOT leave any line blank. List the yearly amount you expect to pay in expenses and receive from income in 2020.
If no income/expenses are expected, you MUST write “$0” or “N/A”.
Rent/mortgage $__________________ $__________________ $_______________
Utilities $__________________ $__________________ $_______________
Insurance: Home/apartment $__________________ $__________________ $_______________
Auto $__________________ $__________________ $_______________ No line
Tuition/fees (paid for dependents) $__________________ $__________________ $_______________ may be
Food $__________________ $__________________ $_______________ left blank!
Clothing $__________________ $__________________ $_______________ If $0, please
Transportation (gas, repairs) $__________________ $__________________ $_______________ provide an
Car payments/lease $__________________ $__________________ $_______________ explanation
Unreimbursed medical/dental $__________________ $__________________ $_______________ on a separate
Recreation $__________________ $__________________ $_______________ form.
Other (specify): ____________ $__________________ $__________________ $_______________
____________ $__________________ $__________________ $_______________
TOTAL EXPENSES: $__________________ $__________________ $_______________
Student’s gross income from work $__________________ $__________________ $_______________
Parent 1 gross income from work $__________________ $__________________ $_______________ If your total
Parent 2 gross income from work $__________________ $__________________ $_______________ expenses
Interest/dividend income $__________________ $__________________ $_______________ exceed your
Pensions/annuities $__________________ $__________________ $_______________ total income,
Unemployment compensation $__________________ $__________________ $_______________ you must
Severance pay $__________________ $__________________ $_______________ provide a
Social Security benefits $__________________ $__________________ $_______________ detailed
Veterans benefits $__________________ $__________________ $_______________ explanation
Child support received $__________________ $__________________ $_______________ of how you
AFDC/TANF/SNAP $__________________ $__________________ $_______________ plan to meet
Financial aid $__________________ $__________________ $_______________ expenses.
Other (specify): ____________ $__________________ $__________________ $_______________
TOTAL INCOME: $__________________ $__________________ $_______________
By signing this worksheet, we certify that all of the information reported is complete and correct. We also acknowledge that we have read
and agree to comply with all verification policies as stated by EWC in the College Catalog and on the EWC website. Failure to submit
information in a timely fashion may result in the application being filed as inactive with no further consideration and no federal aid
for the academic year. Student and parent must sign:
Student signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Parent signature: __________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Printed names: ______________________________________________________________________________________
WARNING: If you purposely give false or misleading information on this worksheet, you may be fined, sentenced to jail, or both.
Revised 2/2020