2020-2021 Financial Aid
Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal
This form is for students who have applied for financial aid but are not eligible because they are not meeting
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards. A complete description of Longwood’s SAP policy can be found
on the Office of Financial Aid’s website.
You may appeal this suspension of aid if the reasons for your failure to meet SAP were beyond your control or the
result of an unexpected situation that is now resolved. You must include any and all supporting documentation
relative to your situation.
Submission of the appeal does not guarantee approval, and students are responsible for dropping all classes by the
add/drop deadline if they are unable to pay for classes on their own. Only completed forms will be forwarded to
the Appeals Committee for review. If your appeal is approved and your financial aid is reinstated, it will not be
retroactive to any semester when these standards were not met. We will notify you via your Longwood email
account once a decision has been made.
_____________________________________________ ____________________
Last Name First Name M.I. Longwood ID Number
______________________________________________ _____________________
Home Phone Number (include area code) Alternate/Cell Phone Number
Longwood Email Address
1. C
heck the term for which you are submitting a SAP appeal.
Fall ‘20 Spring ‘21 Summer ‘21
. Indicate the circumstances that have contributed to your inability to maintain SAP.
Serious illness, mental health issue, or injury to the student or a loved one. Attach a statement
from a physician or other medical professional addressing the student’s situation and ability to return to
school. Be sure to explain the nature and dates of the illness or injury in your appeal statement.
Death of a loved one. Submit a photocopy of the death certificate and include the name of the deceased
and their relationship to you in your appeal statement.
Significant trauma in student’s life that impaired the student’s emotional and/or physical
health. Provide a detailed explanation in your appeal statement regarding the specific circumstances
of your condition. Be sure to include dates and what you have done to overcome this condition.
Supporting documentation from a 3rd party (physician, social worker, psychiatrist, police, clergy, etc.)
also must be attached.
Other unexpected circumstances beyond the control of the student.
Provide a detailed explanation in your appeal statement explaining the nature and date of the unexpected
circumstances. Relevant supporting documentation must also be provided.
3. Appeal Statement. Submit an explanation for your appeal. Your statement must:
Be typed or printed legibly in blue or black ink.
Be authored by the student, not a parent or other 3
Address all three of the following points:
o the circumstances indicated in item 2 that caused you not to meet the SAP standard
o why/how those circumstances are no longer affecting your academic performance
o what you will do/have done to ensure academic success in the future
Explain how you spent your time away from Longwood University.
If you took classes at another institution, include a transcript of the grades you received.
5. Statement from your Academic Advisor. The advisor should provide his/her opinion of your ability and
willingness to improve academic performance. It is strongly recommended that you obtain and review a copy
of your unofficial academic transcript before you submit your appeal (an unofficial copy is available through
the myLongwood portal).
Academic Advisor Name Academic Advisor Email Address
Be sure to include your name and Longwood ID on all documents submitted.
6. Certification and signature. By submitting this form I request to have my financial aid eligibility reinstated.
I understand that the Office of Financial Aid will not accept any SAP appeal that is incomplete or lacks
documentation. By signing this form, I certify that the information on this form is truthful and accurate.
______________________________________________________ _________________________
Student Signature Date
Timeline for Appeal Review:
The SAP Appeal Review Committee will meet every two weeks beginning the first week of June 2020. You will be
notified of the committee’s decision by email as soon as your appeal has been reviewed.
Submit form and required documents to:
Office of Financial Aid
Longwood University
201 High Street, Brock Hall
Farmville, Virginia 23909
Phone: 434-395-2077
Fax: 434-395-2829