Financial Aid Office * 96-045 Ala Ike Street * Pearl City, 96782
Phone: 808 455-0606 * Fax: 808 453-6371 * Website: * MyUH Services:
2020-2021 Federal Direct Student Loan Request Form
_____________________________________________ _____________________ _________________
Last Name First Name UH ID/Username Phone Number
Federal student loans are from the U.S. Department of Education to help pay for your college education. It is important that
you borrow responsibly so that you will be able to repay them when you leave school. Before you request a student loan,
please consider your current loan balance and understand how much you have currently borrowed.
Follow these steps to find your current student loan balance(s):
1. Go to:
2. Log in with your FSA ID and password
3. Under your name on the top right corner, click on “My Aid”
4. Review your total Subsidized and Unsubsidized loan amounts and answer the following:
a. What is your current total outstanding principal balance of your Subsidized loan? $ _________________
b. What is your current total outstanding principal balance of your Unsubsidized loan? $ _______________
NOTE: If you have never borrowed student loans before, please keep in mind that loan funds for first-time borrowers will not
disburse until 30 days after the start of the semester.
After carefully reviewing your federal student loan information, please complete the following:
I am requesting a (check all that apply): SUBSIDIZED Loan UNSUBSIDIZED Loan
I am requesting for a loan amount of: $ _________________
Please keep in mind that the loan amount you are requesting is for the academic year unless you are graduating at the end of the Fall semester,
entering in the Spring semester, or nearing your maximum timeframe (see our SAP policy on maximum timeframe).
My expected Leeward CC graduation date is: __________________ (Semester/Year)
I will also complete the Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note (MPN) online at:
(unless I am a continuing student who had taken out a student loan during the previous academic year at Leeward CC).
I understand all of the following (you must initial after you have read each statement):
_____ I must be enrolled at least half-time status (6 credits) and be meeting Leeward CC’s Financial Aid Satisfactory
Academic Progress (SAP) policy.
_____ I must inform Leeward CC’s Financial Aid Office once I drop below half-time status, graduate, completely withdraw,
transfer, or stop attending classes; repayment will begin six months after.
_____ A loan fee of approximately 1% of the loan will be automatically deducted from each loan disbursement.
_____ There will be two loan disbursements, one at the beginning of the loan period (unless I am a first year, first-time
borrower in which my loan funds won’t be disbursed until 30 days after the start of the semester) and the second at
the mid-point through the loan period. I understand that disbursement dates may be different if I am enrolled in a
modular program/course(s); in general, loan funds will not be disbursed until I am attending at least 6 credits.
_____ First-Time Borrowers on or after July 1, 2013: I may not receive SUBSIDIZED loans for more than 150% of my program
length. Additionally, if I continuously enroll and do not complete my program, I can lose the interest subsidy on my
prior SUBSIDIZED loans for the remaining life of the loan.
Student Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: _________________
Electronic signature or digital signature will NOT be accepted.
University of Hawai'i institutions do not discriminate on the bases of age, race, sex, color, national origin, or disability in its programs and
activities. For more information or inquiries regarding these policies, please contact the individual campus Title IX Coordinator. UH Title IX
Coordinators' names and contact information are available at: