(Flip for Questions on Back)
Print Name Student ID#
Instructions: On your FAFSA you either left question 23 blank or indicated that you have a drug
related conviction. The Federal government prohibits students from receiving Title IV financial
aid in certain circumstances when they have had a drug related conviction. Please check the
appropriate boxes, complete the appropriate lines, sign, and return this worksheet so we can
determine your eligibility for financial aid.
Note: On this worksheet count only federal or state convictions. Do not count convictions that have been
removed from your record or occurred before you turned 18 unless you were tried as an adult.
1. Have you ever received federal student aid? Answer “No” if you have never received
federal student aid (grants, loans, and/or work study). You should also answer “No” if you
have never attended college.
Yes If Yes, go to question 2.
No If No, stop, sign worksheet and return.
2. Have you ever been convicted for selling or possessing drugs, not including alcohol or
Yes If Yes, go to question 3.
No If No, stop, sign worksheet and return.
3. Did the offense for possessing or selling illegal drugs occur during a period of enrollment
for which you were receiving federal student aid (grants, loans, and/or work study)?
Yes If Yes, go to question 4.
No If No, stop, sign worksheet and return.
4. Have you completed an acceptable drug rehabilitation program since your last conviction?
An acceptable drug rehabilitation program must include at least two unannounced drug tests, and:
Be qualified to receive funds from federal, state, or local government or from a federally-
or state-licensed insurance company; or
Be administered or recognized by a federal, state, or local government agency or court,
or a federally- or state-licensed hospital, health clinic, or medical doctor.
Yes If Yes, stop, sign worksheet and return.
No If No, go to question 5.
5. Do you have more than two convictions for possessing drugs? Only count convictions
for offenses that occurred during a period of enrollment for which you were receiving
federal student aid (grants, loans and/or work-study).
Yes If Yes, stop, sign worksheet and return.
No If No, go to question 6.
Southwestern Michigan College
2020-2021 Drug Conviction Worksheet
Financial Aid Office, 58900 Cherry Grove Road, Dowagiac, MI 49047
Phone: 269.783.2143 Fax 269.783.2114 Email: finaid@swmich.edu