Office of Financial Aid
| Jardine Hall Rm. 203 | 1845 Fairmount Street | Wichita, KS 67260-0024
tele: (316) 978-3430 |toll free:
1-855-WSU1STP (978-1787)| fax: (316) 978-3396 | web: www.wichita.edu/financialaid
Revision Date: 9/24/2019 Tracking Code: LDA
2020-2021 Documentation of Attendance for Federal Grant Aid
Federal student aid regulations for the Pell Grant, the TEACH Grant, and the Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) require
recipients to begin attendance by participating in academically related activity in all courses for which Wichita State University disbursed
these federal grant aid funds.
The Office of Financial Aid has been unable to verify that you began attendance in one or more of your scheduled courses OR has received
communication from your professor(s) that you did not attend. As such, Wichita State University has withdrawn necessary federal grant
aid funds.
Academically related activities include, but are not limited to:
Physically attending a class where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students;
Submitting an academic assignment;
Taking an exam, an interactive tutorial or computer-assisted instruction;
Attending a study group that is assigned by the school;
Participating in an online discussion about academic matters and
Initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course.
Academically related activities do NOT include activities where a student may be present, but not academically
engaged, such as:
Living in institutional housing;
Participating in the school’s meal plan;
Logging into an online class without active participation or
Participating in academic counseling or advisement.
If you believe you DID meet one or more of the above requirements of academically related activities, you must have your professor
complete the information below. You must complete a separate form for each course in which you are requesting federal grant aid
reinstatement. If it is more convenient, this information may be emailed to finaid@wichita.edu.
SECTION A >>> To be Completed By Student ONLY!
By signing below, I am personally certifying that I began attendance in the course listed below and participated in
academically related activity as required by federal student aid programs.
_____________________________________________________ _________________________________
Student’s Name (Last, First, MI) myWSU ID Number
_____________________________________________________ _________________________________
Signature of Student Date
Warning: If you receive student aid based on incorrect information, you may have to return it and/or pay fines and fees. If you purposely give
false or misleading information on this form, you may be fined $20,000, receive a prison sentence, or both.
Affirmation: By signing above, I certify that all information I have submitted is accurate and verified with supporting documentation.
SECTION B >>> To be Completed By Professor ONLY!
Please reference the above criteria to determine whether or not the student began academically related activity in your
Course Name ______________________________________________ Subject Code & Course # _______________________
Fall 20___ Spring 20___ Summer 20___
Did the student attend the course at all and demonstrate academically related activity? YES NO
Faculty Name (Last, First) ____________________________________________ Phone Number _____________________
Email Address _______________________________________________________ Date_______________________________
Faculty Signature ____________________________________________________