2020-2021 Direct Loan Request Form
Student Name (print) __________________________ ________________________ SID______________________
Last Name First Name
Date of Birth ________________________ SSN: _____________________
Address __________________________________ City ____________________State ________ Zip Code __________
Program of Study at Seattle Central College ______________________________________________________
1) How much do you want to borrow? Request the amount needed for the entire school year.
(annual limits on 1
page) $___________________________________
2) Are you wanting loans for summer quarter 2021? Yes □ No □
If no, loans will be equally disbursed for fall, winter and spring.
3) Have you completed online Entrance Counseling and have you signed a Master Promissory Note?
Yes □ No □ If not, complete at https://studentaid.gov/
4) If you are not eligible for the amount requested in SUBSIDIZED LOANS, do you want
UNSUBSIDIZED LOANS for the remaining eligible amount?
Yes □ No □ Unsubsidized Loans accumulate interest while you are in school
5) If you are not eligible for the entire loan amount requested and you have been awarded Work Study, do you
want your Work Study cancelled to increases your loan eligibility?
Borrower Certification
My signature below indicates that I authorize Seattle Central College to transmit the information above electronically and
to guarantee that I have read and understand the following,
I understand as a new borrower my first quarter loan funds will be released 30 days after the quarter begins, and I am
responsible for paying my tuition when it is due.
I understand one quarter loans will be disbursed in two payments, and I am responsible for paying my tuition when it is due.
I understand I must enroll in and maintain at least 6 program required credits at Seattle Central to be eligible for a Direct Loan.
I authorize and understand my loan funds may be transferred by the US Department of Education to the Seattle College District
via Electronic Funds Transfer. After tuition and fees are paid any remaining loan funds will be disbursed to me via my
BankMobile refund preference.
I understand I may cancel all or a part of my loan funds no later than 14 days after the notification that my loans funds have
been received by the college or the start of the quarter whichever is later.
I understand I must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress according to the published Financial Aid Satisfactory
Academic Policy in order to qualify and remain eligible for Direct Loans.
I understand my requested loan amount may be reduced to fit within the budgeted cost of attendance less other aid
received for the quarter(s) awarded.
I understand I can make only one loan change per quarter by submitting a loan change form available in the Financial Aid
Borrower Signature: ________________________________ Date: _______________
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